Thursday 1 March 2012


Good Morning fellow Bloggers,

 Since 1992 both amateur and professional investigations have been taking place on the Moss of Cruden regarding some unexpected finds which were uncovered there.

These finds eventually led to the exposure of a hidden soil horizon which could have been laid down some 2,000,000 years ago.

The exposure of the Hidden Soil Horizon was significant enough but within the horizon lay numerous pieces of flint some of which appeared to have been unnaturally modified!

There is a lot of information regarding our finds and conclusions which currently resides on an "On-line Archaeology" forum entitled Palaeolithic Scotland and is accessible via Google.

I am in the process of  converting this information into a Blog.

This may take some time as I have to bring everything into perspective for the blog and this I will do.

However you may wish to "Google" Palaeolithic Scotland and also Palaeolithic Scotland Today as they will provide you with the gist of what will be appearing on my Blog.

Queries welcomed.