Friday 15 March 2013



Tonight I have reviewed my archive of findings retrieved, in the North;  from the Moss of Cruden and in the South from Clacton on Sea.

A particular specimen, which I retrieved from the pebble beaches of Clacton on Sea about 25 years ago ; appears to have the same colour and consistency of the object picked up,out of the sands at Hapisburgh.

However, the object which I retrieved shows wear which can only have been the result of many years of work by a softer material.

It does, in essence; resemble an ancient pistol type grip which fits comfortably in ones right hand and shows wear that can only be associated with a right handed human being!.

The Hapisburgh flint appears to be the finished or  almost finished article and found coming out of the sand!

Our finds from The Moss of Cruden carry evidence of them being of a much earlier culture than those which  I found at Clacton and which were subsequently stumbled upon out of the sands at Hapisburgh!.

Watch this Space!

Monday 11 March 2013




"Good Evening fellow forum members! 

Please let me bring you up to date with what is happening regarding the professional respectability which "Palaeolithic Scotland" is now receiving and how my subsequent research into a region which I now call "Two Shores of Eden" are bringing into focus the uniqueness of not only Buchan but that whole area of Scotland which lies between the "Great Glen" and the "Highland Boundary" fault lines which are, to me; "Two Shores of an Eden". 

The jewel in the crown of that region is Buchan as regards the Archaeological/Geological diversity it contains. 

Unfortunately I cannot, for lack of technical ability or facilities of this site; transfer any pictorial information to this forum from my other information outlets but if you care to visit (which I think you may already have received), and (palaeolithic scotland) at "On line archaeology". You will be able to bring yourself right up to date. 

Can anyone out there let me know how to introduce images on my posts? 

If you can please let me know how to achieve this such that I can ensure that "Society of Antiquaries of Scotland" get to know what is happening out here as the story evolves. 

The sounds of silence from nationally respected professionals and "Press"sources, who have kept up to date with everything we have found, written about and hypothesised upon should now by this time be feeling a bit abashed of themselves, unless of course; they don't want to know. 

However, I have never met a Journalist who did not want to know! and I have met one or two. 

I will try to keep you updated pictorially as well as literally on this site but I will need some help to do the pictorial bit, so; "who will help me"? 

Oh! by the way the information being gathered from between the "Two Shores of Eden" might be quite Earth shattering, if you get my drift! "

Sunday 3 March 2013

"Hunt on for Scotland's 'missing' 100,000 years of history"

A number of years ago an archaeological correspondent of a, then and still; well respected national newspaper wrote concerning the above.

That correspondent and others I hope by now have read issues raised by this blog and  presented under my name on Online Archaeology.

Scotland has more than a missing 100,000 years of history!. Its probably missing nearer a 400 to 500 years absence of serious archaeological research!

I respectfully request that, should the correspondent's editor receive copy of this publication then they might  ask their correspondent to recant.