Friday 4 October 2013


This post concerns non confidential subject matter sent to various eminent and Internationally respected  Archaeologists and members of our Archaeology "Press" cadre :-

Dear all,

  It is my understanding that you are aware of all of my publications on the www under the titles of "Palaeolithic Scotland" et al regarding our findings on the moss of cruden.

I have long been wondering about the lack of responses,either supportive or otherwise; regarding our findings.

Tonight I went through all of my past publications and asked myself this question, "Given the current political void that our little island (UK) finds itself in at the moment, what would be the outcome of one providing evidence for a Palaeolithic Scotland?

My conclusion is "It would not be welcomed" overall! 

This conclusion is being strengthened by your lack of response to my prior communications with you.

Our findings on the Moss of Cruden go far beyond anything of a political bias and would I hope that you agree on this point!.

In case you have not read it, my "Two Shores of an Eden" article brings current TV articles on, global; plate tectonics into some sort of perspective.

There is evidence of a concentration of explosive evolution to be found between, to the North; the great glen fault and to the South; the Highland boundary fault.

Not even at Boxgrove nor at Happisburgh does such an agglomeration of evidence for early palaeolithic habitation of our islands exist!

I will be publishing this communication on the www.

Kind Regards,

Jack Sneddon.