Saturday 9 November 2013


I have assessed  most of the literature on the net regarding plate tectonics and find them to represent the start of something special in our quest in trying to find out "Why?" and "How?" it all happened,  Perhaps the "How?" should be addressed before we even start ask ourselves "Why?" (interpretations of recent revelations from tests carried out with the Large Hadron Collider will, surely; eventually take us there).

What I have identified, in my amateur Geological and Archaeological investigations; is that the relatively tiny land mass which  currently resides between the Great Glen fault and The Highland boundary fault contains the most diverse of Palaeontological and Archaeological evidences of prehistories as  is to be found anywhere else in the world!

It is indeed between  the "Two shores of an Eden".

I leave this post with a simple question; why has this not been identified before now by people who are paid by the public and from elsewhere to do just that?

I'll be back!