Tuesday 7 January 2014

                                                     FAST FORWARD TO THE PAST!

                                                      FAST FORWARD TO THE PAST!

It has taken a long time but!


The analyses of our findings from the moss of Cruden and the "spin-offs" which have followed e.g. "Palaeolithic Scotland","Two Shores of an Eden". have never, ever been challenged!

This is quite sad,so:- 
I call on all of you, professors, doctors, Press correspondents, rank and file and amateur archaeologists who I have previously contacted to rebut my following, categoric; statement that :-

" The small land mass which currently exists between the great glen and the highland boundary fault lines has never been seriously considered as a source of information regarding the metamorphosis of our planet, both geologically and anthropologically.


Oh it may be on their future TV series or academic agenda but they will not be able to claim the the identification of the importance of the "Moss of Cruden" 

That lies with Dr. EA Fitzpatrick et al.

(Published from Online Archaeology Article)