Wednesday 11 February 2015


Dear All,

Please refer to the "net"regarding "Gillies Hill"

This is an "Emergency"

Allegedly, if quarrying proceeds;an inestimable amount of  important information regarding the evolution of our species might wind up as "Gravel"!

I feel it important that I advise you of this.

Dear ""

  Please respond to my previous e-mail communication to you, by return!


 The significance of the "Defacing" of Gillies hill as regards its place in our "Island's" (UK) heritage and  the probable destruction of priceless Geomorphological information, Flora and Fauna and, not least of all; the Hidden Place of Bruce's  reserves "The Sma' Folk"??? should not be treated lightly.

"The Sma' Folk"?  well they were indeed pledged to a life of piety and endurance but there is no doubt that the pride of English chivalry would have fled from such a "Rag Tag and Bobtail" as has been described, so far.

Oh! there was, perhaps a "force" hidden at Gillies Hill, probably 700 or so, "All on Foot" however, their flag appears to have been the "Beauseant" (Black on White") and not "Rag a Muffin"'

Please contact me for any other information you might need for clarification.

Jack Sneddon.