Monday 26 September 2016


Tonight I have come across a paper which states that Buchan was overwhelmed by glaciers in the last ice age.

What we discovered on the moss of Cruden most certainly contradicts this!.

Monday 19 September 2016


This evening I have completed a thorough review of my posts, and; theoretical conclusions drawn by others.

Nowhere, in the theoretical conclusions drawn by others;has any explanation or consideration been given to 1963 publication  by BRITISH ASSOCIATION (Aberdeen).ie MORAINLESS BUCHAN.

MORAINLESS BUCHAN is about to  enter "Stage Right ,running"

Watch this space1

Saturday 3 September 2016

The Missing Link!

Tonight I have reviewed all of my previous posts.y et again

I find that there is a schism existing between Geomphorogical Publications and analyses of Archaeological findings regarding how they might complement one another in time!

This, I feel; has become most noticeable with the advent of the study of Soil Science.

Perhaps overdue concern has been given, in the past; to archaeological hypothesese and their conclusions without due consideration being given to the Geomphorogical status of their surroundings and, most important of all; the analysis of the soils from which they were exhumed!