Sunday 16 April 2017

Palaeolithic Scotland and it's Location near the RHYNIE CHERT!

Most of my previous blogs have only mentioned the RHYNIE CHERT as if the whole world knew about its existence already!

Well! to any one who is not familiar with The RHYNIE CHERT's credentials please visit :-
 Aberdeen University's RHYNIE CHERT learning resource to be found on their excellent web site.

The close vicinity of Palaeolithic Scotland and The RHYNIE CHERT findings adds an important dimension to what might bring future Archaeological and Geomphorogical cooperations closer to one another than what they have been,at least up till now; not evident to myself,as an amateur.

It is evident to me that past important steps which could have been made toward the early  understandings of our coming out of  an Eden got mixed up with one another when Archaeology and Geomophorology fought for dominance over one another as to the date of what was found where.


There is no doubt in my mind that past verdicts were heavily weighed in Archaeology terms without due cognisance being given to Geomphorogical evidence of their place in time!

Watch this Space.

I will copy this to my  Online Archaeology site.

Monday 3 April 2017

Anunaki myths? and PALAEOLITHIC SCOTLAND reality?

Geomorphological and Archaeological; global evidence thus far, show no evidence of us being anything else than the result  the protozoa and amoeba who met up with one another in the real garden of Eden!

As a teenager I read Von Daniken's stuff and was for awhile captivated  by it!

I was once excited by GOBEKLI TEPE  findings until I tried to calculate how long it would have taken to "Fill it in"! given the area of the site, the volume of material required for such a gigantic call on such early civil engineering know-how and I gave up as I could not obtain OS maps which cover the terrain of Gobekli Tepe in its Hay Day!

Our findings from "The Moss of Cruden" appear to be in direct conflict with some current interpretations of why we became what we are!

I  have weighed recent Anunaki claims against natural selection hypothesese and found them wanting!

"The Purse" carried on specific carvings, which have never been explained, represents something quite human and IMPORTANT!

Watch this space!