Sunday 28 May 2017

EVOLUTION is the Singularity!

Please check out past published interpretations of Singularity!

Evolution is the Singularity which should have linked together Archaeology and Geomphorology/ Geology a long time ago!

Why did this not happen?

I have my own opinions on this which will be held for a future publication on Palaeolithic Scotland.

Please do not confuse the reference of Singularity found in some computer games to the profound meaning of the word!

I will copy this to my Online Archaeology post!

Watch this Space!

Friday 26 May 2017

Singularity Established!

I will be in contact soon!

Please checkout "singularity". As far as philosophy is concerned but do not confuse it with a video game which I also turned up!

Archaeology and Geomorphology are yet to establish a singularity for the benefit of the purest understanding of our past history and indeed our evolution!

That singularity has been exposed!

Watch this space!

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Singularity within the Archaeology and Geomorphology of Buchan.?

I may not be in contact for a wee while due to the apparent proof of a singularity which I feel is revealing itself!

Watch this space!

The Archaeological and Geological Enigma of Buchan

Is there anybody out there who can explain the evidence of Neolithic Debris pits on the rocky promontory of that Den of Bodam and the Palaeolithic artefacts found on the still fertile Moss  of Cruden?

A quick response would be welcomed but I feel that it will be a long time coming as I fear that it will require a combined Archaeological and Geological effort to establish or contradict the presence of such a close and unarguable presence of Palaeolithic and Neolithic artefacts with one another!

Tuesday 16 May 2017


If there is anyone out there who can explain the close proximity of proven late Neolithic habitation found on The Den of Bodam and the early Palaeolithic materials found on the Moss of Cruden please get in touch.

The distance between these two sites is within about an hour's walking distance of one another

If you choose to walk it you will cross a geological rift valley!

On the east side of this Rift lies the evidence of a possible late Neolithic habitation on the Den of Bodam!

On the west side of the Rift lies evidence of a Palaeolithic Scotland.!