Thursday 28 September 2017

SORRY to Palaeolithic Scotland Bloggers!

I have tried to make a link between my online Archaeology Publications and my blog!

Online Archaeology seems not to be in existence any more or has dropped off of the Archaeological radar!

I had hoped to combine my Online Archaeology Publications with my blog such that some focus might be brought  to bear on to the ridiculous schisms which have prevailed in the past and are perhaps still prevailing regarding Archaeological opposition to Geological and Soil Science regarding the true dating of some very important findings from the moss of Cruden!.       

Watch this Space!

Thursday 21 September 2017

The Den of Bodam Enigma!

Palaeolithic Scotland as far as Online Archaeology is concerned appears to have dropped off of their radar!

This is unfortunate as they have taken with them all of my descriptive and pictorial evidence for PALAEOLITHIC SCOTLAND as was published in Online Archaeology.

To all of you Bloggers out there who may have perhaps referred to Palaeolithic Scotland at Online Archaeology for confirmation of my Blog I can only apologise.

I will now adopt my Blog as a main stream out let for our Palaeolithic findings in the North East of Scotland!

Why? you might ask.

The reason is very simple and involves centuries of theoretical disagreements between Archaeological, Geomorphological  opinions as to the dating of what was found where and what should have been found there as far as the Archaeologists were concerned!

I have written an email to a number of respected Archaeologists regarding a very important and chance meeting between myself and a much respected Archaeologist on the Den of Bodam.

 You may may wish to study the history of the Den Of Bodam from the Geological point of view and investigate it's,Neolithic finding; conundrum!

I will now  attempt to retrieve all that I can from my Palaeolithic Scotland Publications on Online Archaeology!