Sunday 30 December 2018

As, might have been expected!

I have been advised by a couple of  respected Archaeologists who are familiar with  our "Moss of Cruden"  findings that they will be elsewhere on the date of the Hatton meeting!

I hope that they will eventually find what they are looking for and,when they do; will realise that it was much closer to their homeland than they envisaged!

It is right in front of their faces if they care to look North of the British Isles and elsewhere in the Celtic regions!


Wednesday 28 November 2018

Original Evidence

At the Hatton meeting I will have on display the first evidence for a Palaeolithic Scotland

The artefacts on display, which I sent to the British Museum for comment; languished there for a number of years until I had to ask them to be returned to me via the Scottish Government after no British Museum comment on them having been received.

These artefacts were returned in the same condition in which they were sent and were found to have been well protected for their transport back to Scotland.

My slide show will portray the first light of day that the artefacts experienced in a long, long time!

See you on 06/05/19 at Hatton maybe!

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Contact with National Geographic Editor

This evening I contacted National Geographic editor with a precis of our findings and conclusions gathered from the moss of Cruden.

Watch this space.

Friday 16 November 2018

Hatton meeting and Scarf attendance

Hope Scarf can send an envoy to the Hatton meeting; at their own expense, to defend their claim of there never having been a Palaeolithic habitation of Scotland.

They may have overlooked the findings from the Moss of Cruden,which I am led to believe from various sources; they have never seriously investigated!

I look forward to welcoming any scarf representative up to Hatton for input to the meeting if they can make it under their own steam!

Otherwise I will be pleased to send them a synopsis of the meeting and look forward to any response that they might have to it.

Sunday 7 October 2018


To all who may be interested in the Palaeolithic inheritance of Scotland, please be advised that an open meeting is convened for 06/05/19 at Hatton Community centre at 18.30.

I hope that all of the respected professional archaeologists with whom I have been in contact with over the past good number of years will do me the courtesy , and make the effort; of attending!

The presentation will be made by myself, as an amateur Archaeologist but based upon some curious loop holes in past hypotheses which appeared to me when investigating on the moss of Cruden!


Wednesday 3 October 2018


I now know that there are at least two Hattons in the UK!

My initial contact was made with the Hatton in England!

However a most delightful and  understanding official from the English Hatton put me on the right trail and to her I offer much thanks, hope she reads this as I do not have her name to thank her directly.

Notwithstanding this I am now in contact with the Aberdeenshire Hatton proper in an attempt to arrange a meeting there for 06/05/19.

All will be welcomed.

Watch this space for agenda updates!

Thursday 20 September 2018

The Inchnadamph Cave findings

Someone once said that a great flood once flushed a conglomeration of deer antlers and skeletal remains of other animals into a cave at ASSYNT!

Having reviewed this hypothesis via physics, I find that no such a deluge could have possibly achieved such a result!

Butchering of  game might present a better explanation!

What do you think.

Thursday 13 September 2018

The End of the Beginning!

There will be an internationally respected archaeologist who will read this blog and who will remember that day when he experienced the exposure of evidence of Palaeolithic artefacts oozing out of  the moss of Cruden and advised me that I had to get the geology sorted out!

Well! to that respected Archaeologist and  others I respectfully suggest that they no longer try to put the cart before the horse!

Friday 31 August 2018

Notice for all Palaeolithic Scotland Bloggers!

I have requested a meeting with Hatton Community Council as regards the importance of our  findings  from the soils of the moss of Cruden.

I feel somewhat that, traceable;  Saville conclusions which I have investigated, annent the non habitation of a Palaeolithic Scotland might now be weighed and found wanting!

Saturday 4 August 2018

Important Update!

Since my previous blog I have revisited past Academic interpretations regarding their, overall; Archaeological interpretations as far as the North East of Scotland is concerned and found them wanting!

As an amateur, this might seem as if I am trying to sail into a wind without either a sail or a compass!

However, I do have a map; a map which has been, perhaps ignored by some past, respected; Archaeological navigators!

This map is provided by the, past; ignored information and exploration obtained from Soil Science studies on the moss of Cruden!

It is important that I make known publicly that I have severe doubts over some archaeological conclusions drawn, regarding the geomorphological facts and archaeological theories which exist side by side at the Den of Bodam and the conclusive evidence which is oozing out of the moss of Cruden not two miles away!

The moss of Cruden even exihibits proof of the Great Sunami!

Pits full of sea rounded boulders and not far away Palaeolithic tools oozing out of the clays!

Please refer Palaeolithic Scotland photographs!

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Requested Meeting With Hatton Community

I have requested a meeting with Hatton Community.

For those of you who may not be familiar with the importance of the area around Hatton Community; it lies slap bang in an area of NE Scotland which is supporting evidence of Palaeolithic tool cultures.

I do not think that the residents of Hatton and surrounding farming communities are aware of  the importance of  the special area in which they go about their day to day business and therefore I have requested the meeting.

I have also invited various prominent archaeologists who  I have been in written contact with over the past decade or so to be kind enough to attend the meeting at Hatton.

I will recontact Hatton Community to establish a suitable date for the meeting and post the date on my blog!

Sunday 1 April 2018


Prior the completion of my letter to my prime minister I have to bottom out the; seemingly, ridiculous claims as to why there has never been a Palaeolithic Scotland!

This is well in hand!

It will involve the naming of names and communications which I had with; among others some who are no longer with us.

It will be none the less factual!

It will also include examples which I have found where archaeological dating hypotheses held sway over Geomorphological facts as to what was found where!

What will become preeminent in my final publications, to follow; will be the proof that Archaeological hypotheses, in the past; held sway over Geomophorological facts.

Hopefully we are at the  beginning of the end of past Archaeological hypotheses!

Thursday 15 February 2018

Notice of a letter being prepared for delivery to the PM and some of her subordinates!

I am now preparing a letter to my prime minister regarding the importance of the moss of Cruden in the understanding of the origins the population of the islands which she governs!

As you will understand it might take me some time to compose this communication properly but I expect to achieve a launch date of 15/04/18 to 10 Downing Street.

The gist of this letter will be " Why , in the past and up to relatively recently; did archaeological opinions determine what was or could be found where?"
I shall be stressing that the roots this enigma might be traceable to a specific Archbishop of the middle ages who gave an exact calendar date as to when the world was created!

Our Archaeological specialists naturally have no sway with this nonsense but there still seems a reticence to accept geological and soil science evidence in the face of Archaeological hunches.

My letter to my prime minister will be copied to as many heads of states on our planet as I can contact once I am made aware that she has received and read it.

Friday 2 February 2018


I have been studying some specific archaeological conclusions made and published within the 20th and 21st centuries!

My mind boggles over why, in some extremely important areas of our planet's physical evolution; that Archaeological hypotheses have held sway, over some extremely fundamental Geomophorological facts; in establishing what should have been found where!

There are some Internationally respected Archaeologists reading this blog who advised me that I had to get the Geology sorted out!

To them I would respectfully suggest that, " they think again" before more of the moss of Cruden is engulfed with the havoc which caused the disappearance of invaluable cists and, the dangerous unattural destruction of area which provided, via soil science, evidence for a Palaeolithic, not Neolithic; Scotland!

Watch this space!

Tuesday 16 January 2018

The Storegga Tsunami and Palaeolithic Scotland (as found together on The Moss of Cruden)!

Evidence for the Storegga Tsunami occurring is evident from our material findings from the moss of Cruden and the soil science investigations carried out by Dr. E A Fitzpatrick (see Nature Publication).

There is, as far as I can see; no evidence of the Tsunami hitting directly on to the Den of Bodam!

The soils to the west of the Den of Bodam are oozing Palaeolithic material! whilst the Neolithic finds from The Den of Bodam appear to have been intentionally placed by our Neolithic ancestors in some sort of tip.

To be continued!