Thursday 31 October 2019

Confirmation of new Hatton "Palaeolithic Scotland" presentation date.

Please note that I can confirm that new "Positive" information regarding our findings from the Moss of Cruden and Mains of Waterton have necessitated that I postpone my presentation at Hatton until 06/05/20.

I trust that this will not inconvenience anyone who had made arrangements for 01/11/19 date and if so I most sincerely apologize to them.


Jack Sneddon.

Sunday 4 August 2019

Palaeolithic Scotland Hits as Published on my Blog!

Dear all,

In preparation for my presentation at Hatton  I have been reviewing some past archaeological premises as regard to their theoretical opinions gained from the Neolithic Bins they found on the cliffs of the Den of Bodam whilst  more ancient Palaeolithic findings  were oozing out of The Moss of Cruden not one mile away!

I trust that future archaeological teachers/officials will take cognisance of this fact and endow it to their students!

Thursday 13 June 2019


I offer this article to my blog for information only.
I am pleased to be in possession of an orginal  copy of a  book by John E.Shearer vis. "Fact and Fiction in the Story of Bannockburn".

I feel that there will soon be made public at my presentation at Hatton :- The Fact and Fiction in the Story of The Moss of Cruden!

Watch this space!

Wednesday 29 May 2019

Blog of 13/5/15 "Scotsman" Publication

In preparation for my presentation on 01/11/19 I have been reviewing all of my blogs and find that the press coverage of my blog of 13/05/15 is important!

If you cannot locate my 13/05/15 blog please let me know by email,

Monday 13 May 2019

The Singularity on the moss of Cruden

I am glad that I have postponed my presentation at Hatton as it has given me time to organise all of past scripts into some sort of order.

A couple of weeks ago I asked myself if my use of the word "Singularity " regarding Dr.Fitzpstrick's and our subsequent findings on the moss of Cruden in one of my blogs was proper.

Tonight I am pleased to make you aware that it will be pivotal at a certain point in my presentation at  Hatton.

Hope to see you there. If you cannot make it then keep watching this space!

Monday 22 April 2019

Booking of Hatton Community centre for 01/11/19 Presentation confirmed!

I know that it will probably be only UK residents who will manage to be at  the presentation at Hatton Aberdeenshire on 01/11/19,but; to those of you who will be unable to attend please be assured that the presentation will be recorded at least vocally and the recording will be made available on Palaeolithic Scotland Blog and elsewhere.

I will try to get BBC and other respected broadcasters interested in joining us at Hatton to attend.

The Hatton Aberdeenshire venue is now booked for 01/11/19!

Hope to see you there in spirit if not physically!

Watch this space!

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Dr. E A Fitzpatrick's Nature Publication

Bye the way,

Anyone who wishes  to attend my meeting at Hatton should read Dr. EA Fitzpatrick's paper to Nature on soils of N E Scotland beforehand.

Please contact me at if you cannot access Dr. Fitzpatrick'' Nature publication.


It's Coming Together Quite Nicely!

I am glad that I postponed my presentation until 01/11/19.

This will give me time to assimilate our Palaeolithic findings from  Moss of Cruden, Neolithic findings from"Mains of Waterton" Ellon and "other's " Neolithic" findings from atop the windswept, precipitous and barren landscape which they were found into what I feel will turn out to be a most informative and lively meeting. More to follow.! Hope to see you at Hatton.

Friday 22 March 2019

Date of Hatton Presentation

The Date of my Hatton presentation has been moved forward to 1st November 2019.

This is due to the time that I estimate it will take for me to create a respectable computer generated presentation as a backdrop to my oral one.

Will keep you updated on my  Palaeolithic Scotland info.

Monday 25 February 2019


In preparation for my Hatton presentation I have been investigating  known Palaeolithic habitation elsewhere on our planet.

I will include my findings and conclusions drawn from them in my Hatton Presentation, hope to see you there.

All conclusions very interesting!

Wednesday 16 January 2019

Den of Bodam Neolithic : Moss of Cruden Palaeolithic.

For anyone who might be interested it is important that they know that I had a private but brief discussion with a respected Archaeologist who was coming down from his excavation on the Den of Bodam as I was climbing up to have a look at the Neolithic bins which resided there.

We stopped on the narrow path to wish one another a good day and he agreed that there had been no glaciation on the moss of Cruden!

So we have Palaeolithic on the moss of  Cruden and Neolithic on the Den of Bodam?

Have a look at a good OS map and argue out how this conundrum might be explained!

Hope to see you at Hatton 06/05/19.

Sunday 6 January 2019

"Stories. From the Stone age: The Human Adventure"

I have just finished reviewing a most inspiring History documentary on line (titled above) and will be referring to some of its content in my Hatton presentation.

It is from an internationally well respected source and I highly recommend  it to you.

Hope to see you at Hatton on 06/05/19!

Saturday 5 January 2019

Is Tony Pollard still out there?

I have been trying to contact Tony Pollard directly by email regarding our important presentation at Hatton.

I have been, erstwhile; unsuccessful!.

Please let me know by way of my blog or if he is still with us as there are some contributions he might be able to make toward the understanding of the ancient colonization of our British Islands and elsewhere, should he wish to attend the meeting.