Monday 22 April 2019

Booking of Hatton Community centre for 01/11/19 Presentation confirmed!

I know that it will probably be only UK residents who will manage to be at  the presentation at Hatton Aberdeenshire on 01/11/19,but; to those of you who will be unable to attend please be assured that the presentation will be recorded at least vocally and the recording will be made available on Palaeolithic Scotland Blog and elsewhere.

I will try to get BBC and other respected broadcasters interested in joining us at Hatton to attend.

The Hatton Aberdeenshire venue is now booked for 01/11/19!

Hope to see you there in spirit if not physically!

Watch this space!

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Dr. E A Fitzpatrick's Nature Publication

Bye the way,

Anyone who wishes  to attend my meeting at Hatton should read Dr. EA Fitzpatrick's paper to Nature on soils of N E Scotland beforehand.

Please contact me at if you cannot access Dr. Fitzpatrick'' Nature publication.


It's Coming Together Quite Nicely!

I am glad that I postponed my presentation until 01/11/19.

This will give me time to assimilate our Palaeolithic findings from  Moss of Cruden, Neolithic findings from"Mains of Waterton" Ellon and "other's " Neolithic" findings from atop the windswept, precipitous and barren landscape which they were found into what I feel will turn out to be a most informative and lively meeting. More to follow.! Hope to see you at Hatton.