Wednesday 29 May 2019

Blog of 13/5/15 "Scotsman" Publication

In preparation for my presentation on 01/11/19 I have been reviewing all of my blogs and find that the press coverage of my blog of 13/05/15 is important!

If you cannot locate my 13/05/15 blog please let me know by email,

Monday 13 May 2019

The Singularity on the moss of Cruden

I am glad that I have postponed my presentation at Hatton as it has given me time to organise all of past scripts into some sort of order.

A couple of weeks ago I asked myself if my use of the word "Singularity " regarding Dr.Fitzpstrick's and our subsequent findings on the moss of Cruden in one of my blogs was proper.

Tonight I am pleased to make you aware that it will be pivotal at a certain point in my presentation at  Hatton.

Hope to see you there. If you cannot make it then keep watching this space!