Thursday 29 October 2020


29/10/20 @ 20.10

Just come across published information of Palaeolithic sandstone findings being exposed in Norfolk a number of years ago!

At one time there was a land plane which joined Norfolk to Moss of Cruden.

Please check it out!

As I am led to believe the only Sandstone implements found in the UK are to be found at Norfolk and Moss of Cruden.

New Archaeological Horizons are now perhaps  being unfolded to the public, albeit from an amateur Archaeologist.

Jack Sneddon CEng  MIET.

Wednesday 21 October 2020


 Further information!

It is Important that I emphasise that the enigmatic sandstone implement was carefully removed from gleys which contained clearly identifiable flint tools and other flint detritus!

I have spent a few evenings researching  the  properties of red Sand stone tool cultures and find that The Rock of Gibraltar excavations are the nearest predominance of this technology which I can find.

Most interesting and will be followed up!

Watch This Space!

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Sandstone Toys?

Over the past couple of very late evenings in my study I have been trying to establish a "raison d'etre" for the sculpted  sandstone imitation tool!

There is no doubt, at all, in my mind that it was meant to be an imitation tool for the education of the young!

Of all the important implements to be displayed at my eventual presentation, this will be the most significant!

If there is anyone out there who has retrieved a sandstone facsimile of a Palaeolithic tool from amongst clusters of identifiable Palaeolithic/Mesolithic flint flndings please get in touch!

Watch this space!

Friday 9 October 2020

Sandstone tools?

In organising my flint collection tonight for my Hatton presentation I came across one of my finds which I had put to the side as detritus.

This find is of sandstone.

However, it's dimensions would have been impossible to have been naturally manufactured!

It was withdrawn from amongst clays such also supported important Flint caches!

It was unnaturally formed but had not been designed as a tool!

It is soft to the touch and unique!

Watch this space!