Saturday 21 November 2020


 Sounds of  silence!

I have not received any contradictory response to my conclusions regarding our findings On the the moss of Cruden.

I must therefore assume that past "Saville" conclusions might be worthy of investigation!

Check them out!

If you can find them!

More to follow!

Tuesday 10 November 2020

"email" to variously respected Archaeologists.

 Dear All,

Please advise "by return",if any government, privately  funded,or other; excavations have been executed on or near the sites identified by Dr. EA Fitzpatrick and subsequently excavated by Dr. Fitzpatrick, Myself and others on the Moss of Cruden!

Reference to Palaeolithic Scotland on line will provide you with a basis for you to establish this.   

The more I research into some past senior professional opinions the more I find them wanting!

However as an amateur, I am but a small voice!

Nonetheless, the carefull arrangement of of all of our findings from Moss of Cruden, Ellon and elsewhere in the NE of Scotland are providing evidence of anomalies in past professional opinions.

If you can, please make me aware of why the, most reverently placed neolithic clusters such as were found in carefully and reverently prepared alcoves on the Den of Bodam please do so; as when I asked Dr. Saville when I met him next, he was non commital!

Has anyone out there bottomed this quandary out?

I think not!

Saturday 7 November 2020

In my sojourns through the, published; findings of some of those professionals who appear to dominate the archaeological and geomphorogical landscapes of what is known as "The Uk"; I can find no irrefutable link between their respective and integrated terms of reference, if they have any!

I have had the privilege to work with an esteemed Soil Scientist in the, exposure, of the evidence of a neglected part of our world heritage.

This neglected part of our world is on the moss of Cruden.

Dr. E A Fitzpatrick

Prior to my meeting at Hatton it is important that those who wish to attend be aware of Dr E A. Fitzpatrick's  contribution to Nature regarding the geomorphology of the  N E   of Scotland!

Friday 6 November 2020

Sandstone implement!

  Bingo! (Perhaps)

More information to follow.

The Sandstone finding is unique to NE Scotland!

This does  not mean that such artefacts  might not  be found elsewhere on or island!