Thursday 9 December 2021

Letter to various parties "Amendment"

 I am in the process of composing a letter to various parties which will be delivered by email to them and such email will be published on Online Archaeology under Palaeolithic Scotland notifications.

Watch this space!


Big typo error just noticed!

Vis:- "Such email will be published online" at Palaeolithic Scotland and not on "Online Archaeology"!!!

Sorry, the best is yet to be published!!

Friday 22 October 2021

A Revelation!

Been going through all of my Palaeolithic Scotland blogs and find that they contradict some past archaeological hypotheses and their drawn conclusions!

As an amateur I do not have a problem with this as some past archaeologists ignored specific soil science evidence which conflicted with their poppycock theories!

More to follow soon!  

Watch this space!

 s an amateu

Monday 20 September 2021


 Before I wrote this particular part of my  article I spent many hours comparing our Moss of cruden findings with those which I observed at Boxgrove.

They are, at least; chronologically related to those revealed at Boxgrove.

However as the Boxgrove trove is in close proximity and slightly above a marshland and our Palaeolithic findings from the moss of Cruden are well above current sea level I feel that there exists a schism between current Geomorphological evidence and out of date  Archaeological theories which must be overcome in the interest of of us eventually finding our roots!

Watch this space.

Thursday 2 September 2021


 This evening as I was arranging all of our Palaeolithic, Mesolthic and Neolithic artefacts from the moss of Cruden I suddenly realised, that when I visited Boxgrove the only artefacts unearthed were from a beach !

There were no later evidence from the  cliff's strata's above the beach for  human habitation other than a medieval village atop the cliffs!

Tonight as I look down on my treasured collection I find Palaeolithic, Mesolthic, Neolithic and Iron age artefacts gathered from The moss of Cruden!!!

This will influence the nature of my eventual letter to our First minister and others!

Saturday 14 August 2021

Ref previous publication!

 Subject of previous communication has mysteriously disappeared?

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Friday 13 August 2021

 Dear all,

I have just opened up my post about an hour or so ago to find a post which was  not instigated  by myself!

it concerns a young person who is ill!

if you can help the young chap and his family please do so.

Furthermore, I herewith request that all future suchlike communications be addressed to Jill Cook or Mark Roberts who should be able to help you Should have contacted them personally but they seem to have dropped off of my radar!

Monday 12 July 2021

Enter:"Rhynie Chert" (stage left, running!)

 Have just realised that I have never published the close proximity of our Palaeolithic findings to the locality of the "Rhynie Chert"!

Please check out OS geographical relationships between :- Rhynie, Moss of Cruden and Mains of Waterton (Ellon) Scotland)!

This is important as it will be the geomorphological basis for my eventual paper to "Nature"

Watch this space!

Monday 24 May 2021


 I apologise if my reference to recent discoveries to the South West of our Buchan revelations were referred to as Lomond findings!

There is a reason for this, which will be explained in the fullness of time as I have, theoretically divided Scotland into areas based on previous archaeological papers and compared them to our real-time findings On the Moss of  Cruden and elsewhere.


Tuesday 13 April 2021



There is an area in the North East of Scotland (ref previous posts) which does not fit in to current TV extravaganzas.

                                  THE MOSS OF CRUDEN

If you are a first time visitor to this site please be assured that you are most definitely not alone. 

Having, recently; studied closely most of the published stuff to date regarding tectonics I cannot support this as a route toward "The Big Picture".

The recent Lomond finds are getting closer but they must move more North Easterly to complete the bigger picture!

Saturday 10 April 2021

Lomond Findings


Review of recent Lomond findings are a breakthrough!

They can now be associated with our earlier dated Aberdeenshire findings!

Watch this space!

Here we go!

Sunday 14 March 2021

Left or Right handed palaeolithic Ancestors?

 Early yesterday morning as I gave up trying to compare various hand held tools I discovered on the moss of cruden, I put a number of them to the side.

Before I left my loft/study I picked up one of the discarded tool possibilities with my left hand, it felt comfortable and manipulative!

Am I lucky enough to have come across the fact that our ancestors could have been either left or right handed or both?!

Watch this space!

Tuesday 2 March 2021

Future Communications to our Serving Archaeologists! PS!

 It has become necessary for me to contact some of our leading archaeologists  by post such that they might respond to certain queries which arise from their obvious neglect of the archaeological discoveries exposed by investigation of the geomorphological evidence in Buchan given via the net.

This I shall do whilst copying my communications to them to you via my blog also.

Here we go!


Once I have posted my, recorded delivery; written communication to above mentioned archaeologists, then I will copy such communications on my blog!

Watch this space!

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Lost Horzons!

This evening I have been reviewing and analysing all of the replies to me from variously respected "in situ" archaeologists regarding their negative responses to our findings!

Well, as an amateur Archaeologist; I have weighed their responses and found them wanting!

Having closely studied Cook and Roberts  writings I feel that they may have not found  North East of Scotland obligatory to their quest.

Comments Welcomed!