Sunday 14 March 2021

Left or Right handed palaeolithic Ancestors?

 Early yesterday morning as I gave up trying to compare various hand held tools I discovered on the moss of cruden, I put a number of them to the side.

Before I left my loft/study I picked up one of the discarded tool possibilities with my left hand, it felt comfortable and manipulative!

Am I lucky enough to have come across the fact that our ancestors could have been either left or right handed or both?!

Watch this space!

Tuesday 2 March 2021

Future Communications to our Serving Archaeologists! PS!

 It has become necessary for me to contact some of our leading archaeologists  by post such that they might respond to certain queries which arise from their obvious neglect of the archaeological discoveries exposed by investigation of the geomorphological evidence in Buchan given via the net.

This I shall do whilst copying my communications to them to you via my blog also.

Here we go!


Once I have posted my, recorded delivery; written communication to above mentioned archaeologists, then I will copy such communications on my blog!

Watch this space!