Wednesday 21 September 2022


 Let it now be known  that any governmental or other financed investigation into Palaeolithic Scotland subject material should  be made known and to John L Sneddon CEng  MIET. 

Prior to any such application!

On interpretation of some Professional Archaeological Conclusions anent Buchans Contribution to the real story!

 "What a Tangled web we weave" etc.

Have gone over many archaeological published papers and found that they skirt around a particular area of NE Scotland, namely; The Moss of Cruden!

Oh! The artefacts found by Saville and others carefully, and most;reverently arranged in  the Den of Bodam alcoves are, in some opinions; at most, late mesolithic and edging into early Neolithic workmanship!

Our findings from the moss of Cruden are perhaps thousands of years older!

Watch this space!

Wednesday 7 September 2022

Oh! Bye the Way

 The book is titled:-

"The Book of Buchan" 

The author is Tocher!

The Book of Buchan!

 Tonight I have been going through and analysing all of my conclusions regarding the Paleolithic  habitation of  not only Scotland but NE Scotland in particular!

I revisited information from a book which was given to me on loan  from an internationally respected Soil Scientist.

The book is by Godsman and is bang on!

Particularly his Section 1 Chapter one!

Read it if you will.

Tuesday 30 August 2022

Important news!

 I have spent some past evenings over the past few months organising my important Palaeolithic findings into pretty well identifiable groups!

The small implements (they are definitely not cores!)  come from an identifiable plateau on the mains of Waterton.

All, individually;fit into a three dimensional 1" cube  but are too small and intentionally modified to be passed as Palaeolithic!

These artefacts may eventually be classified as Mesolthic but it should be well noted that they were found in a trench in the fields of the mains of Waterton and not from.the sand dunes above! As we're the Palaeolithic items!

I am now arranging all of my artefacts into their specific genre for professional photography intended for publication.

Watch this space.

Here we go!

Sunday 28 August 2022

To all followers!

 Since I have received no contrary evidence from you to my previous Blog I am pleased to note that it has been viewed by all and well received by your good selves!

Much more positive info to follow!

This will be in the format of photographs of  all of my many Palaeolithic, Mesolthic and Neolithic findings from various stratigraphicalogicaly and geomorpohologicaly important areas of Buchan

All can be identified from their precise area of discovery , which I kept specific note of!

Happy Days!

Sunday 14 August 2022


 Over the past few years I have exposed Neolithic, Mesolithic and Palaeolithic artefacts from the NE of Scotland.

However! The only proven Palaeolithic artefacts; that I have, come from the Sands and plateaus of the moss of  cruden area!

I have gone through all of my publications and  find that I have represented this pictorialy in my very first publication!

I should respectfully advise that any followers revisit the pictorial evidence and respond to me asap if they cannot  see them on my blog.

Happy Days!

Sunday 31 July 2022


 I have been searching for any published information on  what I will call  the identification of "The Den of Bodam" alcoves. 

There are none to my knowledge!

Contradictions welcomed!


Existence of Neolithic mining in the area is well known!

Raison d'etre  for the alcoves has never been,publicly; bottomed out!

Even the late Dr. Saville could not provide me with an explanation when I met him on the way up on my second visit as he was coming down from one of his.

To be continued!

Saturday 30 July 2022

Meeting on "The Den of Bodam"!

 Big question!

At our meeting on the Den of Bodam I asked the late Dr Saville a question! 

 "What are these Lithics  doing up here in those alcoves"

"No answer" was the loud reply!

Tuesday 19 July 2022

It is definitely coming together!

This evening I compared past papers published by some past and some; currently existing, Archaeologists.

As far as Palaeolithic Scotland is concerned they seem to have  followed a path set out before them by someone else who is no longer with us but with whom I had the pleasure of having a good and honest conversation with on the trail up to and down from the Den of Bodam!

To be continued!

Sunday 17 July 2022

It's Coming together!

Over the past few years I have  been investigating past Saville papers and found them seriously wanting as regard to his interpretation and ultimate disregard to the possibility of there  ever being a Palaeolithic evidence of human habitation in NE of  Scotland!

I only wish that I had been able to tell him that "Face to Face"!

Watch this Space!


Friday 15 July 2022

Out of the Sands of time!

 Nailed it!

why  were there  never any official archaeological excavations carried out on the Moss of Cruden!!

Why not?

Dr. Saville, etal; expose's of Neolithic artefacts in carefully arranged alcoves on the Den of  Bodam were known to the population of the North East of Scotland hundreds of years before he was ever thought of!

What I am interested in is what came before and might have been missed by Saville!

Watch this Space!

He missed a lot!


Thursday 14 July 2022

Boxgrove?/Mains of Waterton?

 What came first?

Our Mains of Waterton findings easily equate to or predate  or coexist with Boxgrove exposures!

I have visited both sites and exposed a, possible; Archaeological embarrassment!

It concerns certain Saville publications which  I will be investigating for clarification!

Tuesday 12 July 2022

Sad News

 Tonight I was in the process of composing a letter to Caroline Wickam Jones.

When I tried to find her current address I was saddened to find out that she was  no longer with us.

Caroline was one of the first archaeologists to agree that our findings from the moss of Cruden were indeed PALAEOLITHIC but that I had to get the Geomorphology sorted out!

This was done!

I only wish that I could have been able to tell her that, face to face!



Monday 11 July 2022

The Sparker!!

 Been going through all of my findings from the moss of cruden tonight and spent a while studying what I thought was just a beautiful representation of what our ancestors could manufacture.

It was so obviously created for a specific purpose; with its ease of handling and use;and that dead straight groove ploughing its way across its c.3"face; of the half heart shaped implement.

This is the perhaps the most important Palaeolithic finding found on the British Isles and may be on our planet!

Unless of course other such devices have been found and not recorded!

Sunday 10 July 2022

Three Edens of Mainland Britain


                                    THE THREE EDENS of  MAINLAND BRITAIN        

Geomorphologically mainland Britain can now be identified as being an amalgam of three, maybe four; distinct surface areas of our planet which collided in their different ways and at differing times.

The above soils identification (courtesy of seems to show this.

Given the "Elgin findings" of Geologist Anna Grayson back in 1997 and our findings from the moss of Cruden around the same time, it seems like "Middle Scotland"


Thursday 30 June 2022


 I have had the facility to compare ancient moss of cruden with ancient boxgrove!

Both are utterly different in their geomorphology!

Boxgrove findings came from a swamp!

Moss of Cruden findings came out of a "Sand Dune".

Much more to follow!!

Watch this space!

It is coming together!

 This evening I've been going through all of our findings (Dr.EA Fitzpatrick, A. Jamieson and myself), from the moss of Cruden.

I have also investigated the late Dr.Alan Saville's interpretation of his Neolithic "Altars"?  found on the Den of Bodam.

These were indeed a stepping stone in our understanding of how our ancestors respected their ancestors!

However, what we found on The Moss of Cruden are indeed the actual tools, etc; of those same ancestors, Ancestors!

Watch this space!

Tuesday 21 June 2022

The Way Forward via Evidence from the Past!

 I am in the process of contacting a professional photographer to capture all of my Palaeolithic, Mesolthic and Neolithic findings from the Moss of Cruden!

Oh Yes!

We have evidence of Palaeolithic, Mesolthic and  Neolithic habitation of the N E  of Scotland.

All such evidences being found above one another on The Moss of Cruden! (Taking Palaeolithic as the  base strata).

I know this evidence will  not fit into some past "Professional" theories.

I'm not too worried about that!

Thursday 16 June 2022

Appologies for previous Blog

It was by "The Killers" and not "Pogue.

Well I liked them both at that time!


Are we Human or are we Dancer (The Pogues)

 Today I was contacted by a good friend from my Rugby playing days who asked me if I remembered subject song?

I replied that indeed I did and that it was one of my favourites!

He then put the phone down without saying good bye?

I now know why!

Tuesday 31 May 2022

Monday 30 May 2022

Most important!

 Hope Torben is " On The Job"!         

Had the privilege ? of meeting his past associate, Dr. Saville once as he was making his way down from some past,carefully, created alcoves,high on the Den of Bodam which contained myriads of carefully selected Neolithic artefacts.

After visiting the site about ten minutes later I was gobsmacked when I saw the trove of, obviously; selected Neolithic artefacts which had so obviously been intended to have been placed there so reverently in selected alcoves!

Dr. Saville was never able to explain to me the "Raison d 'etre" of those alcoves and as such this should seriously  be investigated and put into the public domain!

Is there anybody out there?



I had a good heart to heart with his distinguished predecessor on the hills of Buchan as  he came down from the

Wednesday 4 May 2022

The Way Forward

 To put references to some poetic quotations aside, I will now return to the reality of our Palaeolithic findings from the moss of Cruden!

1. The area of Aberdeenshire exposed by Dr. E A Fitzpatrick as being unique in the geomorphology of our island home has never,publicly ; been investigated archaeologicaly!!!

2. Well! it has been now, albeit by an amateur Archaeologist but also as a respected Chartered Engineer with a keen interest in control systems .

3.Before anyone says to me "Stick to Control Systems Jack" ! They should consider the neglect that some,now deceased;Archaeologists either disrespected or ignored the late Dr. EA.Fitzpatrck's paper on the Soils of the  North East of Scotland!!

Wednesday 27 April 2022

Little Gidding!

 This evening I contacted the colleague, who had previously advised me to read T.S.Elliot's  "Little Gidding"; to advise them that I only had to scan the net to know what they were nudging me toward

ie:_ "To arrive from where we started and know that place for the first time"

Been it done it got the sweatshirt!

Watch this space!


Saturday 23 April 2022

Well I never!

 A number of weeks ago I was in the company of a very respected member of our island's Engineering community who asked me if I had ever read TS Elliott's "Little Gidding" 

I had to advise them that I had not and asked, perplexedingly; why I should?

They said "Just read it Jack"!

Tomorrow I will start to read it.


Tuesday 29 March 2022

From the outside looking in!

 As an amateur Archaeologist and respected professional engineer I am finding that some past Saville published conclusions need to have a good dose of looking at!

The deeper I go into his publications I find them wanting to a very great extent!

Watch this space!

Monday 14 February 2022

Archaeological premis visa vis geomorpho!ogical fact!

 I do not apologise for being an amateur but am glad to be one because our findings from the moss of  cruden are blowing some past "Professional" ? Opinions out of the water!

Thursday 10 February 2022

Well I Never!

 After a long study to night, trying to associate the  odd proximity of my Palaeolithic with my Neolithic findings from the same area I realised that they both came from different terraces,though a small number of centimetres apart from one another in depth!

Watch this space!!!

Monday 7 February 2022

Important Information

 Have established that my wheel of Taranus sculpture is ear!y Celtic!

When taken into consideration with my Palaeolithic/Mesolithic and  Neolithic findings from the same area of my investigations, it seems like some currently accepted archaeological papers need a good dose of looking at!

It is obvious to me that some past published papers, and their conclusions; by some well known archaeologists should be revisited!

The late Dr E A Fitzpatrck's papers on the soils of Scotlad have obviously been either ignored or not studied by some past and some present Archaeologists!

Watch this space!

Wednesday 2 February 2022

Torben Bjarke Balin?

 Just tuned into the net to find an article by above titled person who seems to be just reiterating the late Dr Saville's findings of at least 2 decades or so ago.

Nothing new!

But alas nevertheless pathetic!

Check it out!

(It might boost his contact numbers)

Monday 31 January 2022

My Wheel of Taranus sculpture.

 The sculpture has Six Spokes!!!

Wheel of Taranus sculpture!

This evening I got around to unpacking the rest of my Palaeolithic, Mesolthic and Neolithic findings from the moss of cruden and Ellon.

I took time to look at the sculpted wheel on a piece of 9" x 6" x 3" grey granite retrieved from my areas of excavation.

It did not take me long to identify it as the "Wheel of Taranus"!

This gem was found in layers above our flint cache!

I will forward photographs of this finding in my next blog after I get it photographed professionally