Monday 14 February 2022

Archaeological premis visa vis geomorpho!ogical fact!

 I do not apologise for being an amateur but am glad to be one because our findings from the moss of  cruden are blowing some past "Professional" ? Opinions out of the water!

Thursday 10 February 2022

Well I Never!

 After a long study to night, trying to associate the  odd proximity of my Palaeolithic with my Neolithic findings from the same area I realised that they both came from different terraces,though a small number of centimetres apart from one another in depth!

Watch this space!!!

Monday 7 February 2022

Important Information

 Have established that my wheel of Taranus sculpture is ear!y Celtic!

When taken into consideration with my Palaeolithic/Mesolithic and  Neolithic findings from the same area of my investigations, it seems like some currently accepted archaeological papers need a good dose of looking at!

It is obvious to me that some past published papers, and their conclusions; by some well known archaeologists should be revisited!

The late Dr E A Fitzpatrck's papers on the soils of Scotlad have obviously been either ignored or not studied by some past and some present Archaeologists!

Watch this space!

Wednesday 2 February 2022

Torben Bjarke Balin?

 Just tuned into the net to find an article by above titled person who seems to be just reiterating the late Dr Saville's findings of at least 2 decades or so ago.

Nothing new!

But alas nevertheless pathetic!

Check it out!

(It might boost his contact numbers)