Tuesday 30 August 2022

Important news!

 I have spent some past evenings over the past few months organising my important Palaeolithic findings into pretty well identifiable groups!

The small implements (they are definitely not cores!)  come from an identifiable plateau on the mains of Waterton.

All, individually;fit into a three dimensional 1" cube  but are too small and intentionally modified to be passed as Palaeolithic!

These artefacts may eventually be classified as Mesolthic but it should be well noted that they were found in a trench in the fields of the mains of Waterton and not from.the sand dunes above! As we're the Palaeolithic items!

I am now arranging all of my artefacts into their specific genre for professional photography intended for publication.

Watch this space.

Here we go!

Sunday 28 August 2022

To all followers!

 Since I have received no contrary evidence from you to my previous Blog I am pleased to note that it has been viewed by all and well received by your good selves!

Much more positive info to follow!

This will be in the format of photographs of  all of my many Palaeolithic, Mesolthic and Neolithic findings from various stratigraphicalogicaly and geomorpohologicaly important areas of Buchan

All can be identified from their precise area of discovery , which I kept specific note of!

Happy Days!

Sunday 14 August 2022


 Over the past few years I have exposed Neolithic, Mesolithic and Palaeolithic artefacts from the NE of Scotland.

However! The only proven Palaeolithic artefacts; that I have, come from the Sands and plateaus of the moss of  cruden area!

I have gone through all of my publications and  find that I have represented this pictorialy in my very first publication!

I should respectfully advise that any followers revisit the pictorial evidence and respond to me asap if they cannot  see them on my blog.

Happy Days!