Wednesday 21 September 2022


 Let it now be known  that any governmental or other financed investigation into Palaeolithic Scotland subject material should  be made known and to John L Sneddon CEng  MIET. 

Prior to any such application!

On interpretation of some Professional Archaeological Conclusions anent Buchans Contribution to the real story!

 "What a Tangled web we weave" etc.

Have gone over many archaeological published papers and found that they skirt around a particular area of NE Scotland, namely; The Moss of Cruden!

Oh! The artefacts found by Saville and others carefully, and most;reverently arranged in  the Den of Bodam alcoves are, in some opinions; at most, late mesolithic and edging into early Neolithic workmanship!

Our findings from the moss of Cruden are perhaps thousands of years older!

Watch this space!

Wednesday 7 September 2022

Oh! Bye the Way

 The book is titled:-

"The Book of Buchan" 

The author is Tocher!

The Book of Buchan!

 Tonight I have been going through and analysing all of my conclusions regarding the Paleolithic  habitation of  not only Scotland but NE Scotland in particular!

I revisited information from a book which was given to me on loan  from an internationally respected Soil Scientist.

The book is by Godsman and is bang on!

Particularly his Section 1 Chapter one!

Read it if you will.