This provided me with the "Quandary of quandaries"
What should come first? :-
1. The identification of the area in question being positively identified as the "Real time" location of "Earliest
known human habitation of the British Islands by careful and devoted scientific investigation" which
resulted from our findings.
2. The identification of the area in question being positively identified as the "Real time" location of "Earliest
known human habitation of the British Islands without careful and devoted scientific investigation" which
resulted from our findings.
A recent visit to the allegedly proposed site has shown much arboreal disturbance by major uprooting of trees along the road line. A non technically supported proposition would be that this had been caused by wind and lots of it.
As a Chartered Electrical Engineer I support the garnering and storing of electrical energy from all natural and economical sources however, I also support the fact that this cannot be done to the detriment of us possibly "Finding ourselves".