Monday 7 May 2012

21:19 GMT

Tonight I begin a blog which I believe will, ultimately, be influential in establishing that "The Moss of Cruden", and perhaps other areas of the globe have been overlooked / ignored in regard to the information held within their soil horizons concerning the evolution of what has become known as "The Human Race".

Being a recently retired Principal Electrical / Instrumentation Design Engineer with an Internationally  respected Certification company does not provide me with the necessary academic qualifications to challenge some Archaeological conclusions, which seem to have been drawn over the past few decades; as regards the colonisation of Planet Earth by "Homo Sapiens" via their forefathers/mothers.

However I have been in contact with some of the most respected archaeological minds in our country over the past 18 years or so regarding our findings on "The Moss of Cruden" and am still in dialogue with them.

Recent findings at Happisburgh and Boxgrove enhance the credibility of our findings from the "Moss of Cruden" which supply an alternative proposition to currently held theories.

Any further publications on this blog will entail all of my work as published on the internet under "Palaeolithic Scotland" and "Palaeolithic Scotland Today".

As an IT amateur, it will take me some time to transfer all of  this information on to my blog.

However please "Hang on in there" (if you are really interested) as I believe "The Worm has Turned".

Professional guidance is secured regarding the presentation of an application for funding of the excavation of specific co-ordinates in the NE of Scotland.



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