Sunday 22 July 2012




Whilst puting together the structure for my new blog I came across an, as yet; unpublished photograph of an artefact after it had been carefully removed from the Gleys' stratum of the, just newly exposed; hidden Soil Horizons of  one of our sites on the Moss of Cruden. The artefact has obviously been unnaturally modified and tapers from its base to its point in about 22cm the, back of the artefact is unmodified.

Within the cast were seen the finest of roots of vegetation which had found their way down to the artefact and wrapped themselves around it possibly tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, if not a million or    so years ago. There were no traces of the roots within the three strata above the Gleys which held the artefacts.

The site of excavation lies approximately 120m above current sea level and at the base of a 2deg incline which peaks about 360meters away to the east.

Excavation on the peak by a back acting excavator to a depth of about 1.5 meters revealed a mound, believed to be part of a ridge; of fairly uniform 6cm to 8cm pebbles which may have been dumped by a Tsunami some time in the past.

To be continued:-

Meanwhile ref. "Palaeolithic Scotland"


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