Sunday 23 September 2012


Attached please find copy of which is in the public domain.

ZONE 9 of the above document seems to provide the foundation for presenting a case for the dating of the soils and therefore the artefacts  retrieved  from the hidden soil horizons which were predicted to exist by an eminent soil scientist and exposed by that soil scientist whilst in the company of myself and another colleague.

Reference to Zone 9 will help to confirm for you the antiquity of our sites of investigation and therefore the age of the artefacts retrieved from the hidden soil horizons found therein .

Requests for funding will be instituted on an emergency basis for the re-opening of our original site of excavation and 4 other selected sites in its relatively close proximity.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Lynda,

    If my basic understanding of cartography has not left me then it appears that the proposed wind farm in question is slap-bang on top of the areas of our findings as published in "Palaeolithic Scotland", "Palaeolithic Scotland Today", "", ScARF Forum of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland,numerous private presentations and a long dialogue with the Palaeolithic era hierarchy of the British Museum since the 1990's.

    You may wish to contact the proposers of the new Wind Farm and the recipients of their proposals on an urgent basis to now make them aware of the recent publications from all of the above and the results of excavations carried out by my colleagues and me.

    Given what we have exposed in our excavations,and the full implications of such an important site being negligently and unprofessionally disturbed either intentionally or unintentionally; is tantamount to archaeological mayhem.

    It is of course possible that the planner did not know of our findings, well; they shouldknow now by this time.

    Please let me know how things are panning out. You have my authorisation to involve our findings in your case providing that I endorse such contents prior to issue.
