Sunday 26 May 2013


Tonight I searched through all that I could find on the net and elsewhere regarding the distribution of any serious effort over the past 200 years or so regarding the published; investigative evaluation of Scotland's prehistory and its contribution to the advancement of its Archaeological birthright. 

I fear that certain past conclusions are well in error and, given our findings from the moss of Cruden are in need of "SOME REAPPRAISAL" 

Our conclusions,based upon our findings from our investigations on the moss of cruden; when now taken in conjunction with important geological /geomorphological papers/documents which have become available within the past 2 or 3 years;are about to be vindicated I feel' 

I am receiving some very respected opinions. 

How long that will take, due to the completely unnecessarily imposed inertia of "Past Hypotheses";I know not. 

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