Friday 28 June 2013




"However recent excavations on the Moss of Cruden (c. 1995 to date), where specific areas of the Moss were targeted for excavation based upon state of the art "Soil Science" investigative processes; have revealed 4 hidden soil horizons of excellent preservation where Artefacts showing evidence of human modification were retrieved. The soil horizons are expected to be dated to c. 2M yrs ago!.
It is noted that the only physical evidence of early palaeolithic "Human" presence found on these islands are a leg bone and a couple of teeth from Boxgrove (visited by Jack Sneddon). Boxgrove and The Moss of Cruden were then basking in the idyllic climate of the great interglacial! To presume that there was a Mediterranean climate at Boxgrove and ice sheets on the Moss of Cruden at the same time is a bit far fetched.

If '''they''' were at Boxgrove then '''they'''were on the moss of Cruden at the same time.

(to be continued). "

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