Tuesday 17 September 2013

In Honour of the Author of "MAN THE TOOL MAKER"

Tonight I have reviewed my past 20 years or so of dialogue with "Establishment" archaeologists and others regarding our findings from the moss of Cruden.

It is evident, to myself and others; that our interpretation of what we have found on the moss of Cruden is "Rocking the Boat" regarding past papers,from others; questioning the authenticity of Scotland having had an early, perhaps one of the earliest; palaeolithic colonies to have been established on our planet.

There is no doubt that our findings on the moss of Cruden are upsetting a whole lot of past theories and I am not sorry about that.

The theme of those past theories have patently ignored the power of Soil Science as a tool in their armoury.

I dedicate this communication in honour of The Author of:- "Man the Tool Maker"

watch this space

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