Sunday 4 May 2014



I hope to be publishing soon on responses from letters which I will be sending to:- Our Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition and Scotland's First Minister.

The gist of the letter will embody all published articles on "Palaeolithic Scotland" and their apparent neglect by some "Professional" archaeologists who have been aware of our findings from the moss of cruden for 20 odd years.

Happisburgh and Boxgrove findings would appear to post date our findings on the Moss of Cruden by about 1,000,000 years.

If we confirm this amazingly probable situation within the next few weeks, how would evidence of Scotland being inhabited, by what can be established as having been human beings; perhaps 1/2 a Million years or more prior to the colonisation of the southern extremities of our, now established Great Britain; have a sway in the argument FOR an independent Scotland?

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