Monday 13 July 2015


Please find below a publication which I have recently made on "Online Archaeology" please read it as it is quite important if you are anyway interested in how you landed where you are.

If any of you need clarification, eg "What is the Rhynie Chert"? please get in contact.

Communication via e-mail only please.

Tonight I have discovered "Scotland: The Creation of its Natural Landscape" a BGS publication co-authored by Alan McKirdy and Roger Crofts. It is a seminal piece of work. It has inspired me for two reasons:-
1. I now understand why the Rhynie Chert is only about 3ft under topsoil but is reckoned to be about 400 odd million years old!!! 
2. Its chronological birthday date is at about the same time as "The Assynt event", as I call it; of about 410 Million years ago!

For the record, a number of years ago I was invited by an extremely knowledgeable and respected MD who resided in the village and had heard of our exploits on the Moss of Cruden; to attend one of the very, very occasional exhumations of "The Rhynie Chert" 
Anyone who knows anything at all about the "Chert" will know what an honour this was to me.
However, it was not to be as I was needed elsewhere on the planet to earn my living on that date!
Watch This Space.

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