Friday 28 August 2015


Since and further to my article/blog "Two Shores of Eden" I have been researching relative positions and groupings of Ancient land masses on our planet,

The "Dalradian Super Group" of rocks apparently lies within the boundaries of the "Great Glen" and "Highland Boundary" faults.

The "Dalradian Super Group" contains, as far as I understand; the oldest group of exposed "Geology" on our planet (400,000,000 to 450,000,000 yrs old).

This is seminal to the development of an inhabited Palaeolithic Scotland when taken into context with the following:-
1, Rhynie Chert:- Ancient Swamp/ Marsh Land.!
2. Elgin Area:- First Amphibians coming ashore,!
3. Moss of Cruden:- Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic artefacts recovered!
4. Ellon:- Dr. D W Patey, J.L.Sneddon, etal; Mesolithic, Neolithic and probably,Palaeolithic findings.

There is not such a diversity of human evolution to be found in such close proximity with one another any where on our Planet!

They lie exposed or relatively close to the surface.!

The late Palaeolithic artefacts which turned up south of the Highland boundary fault, are; perhaps from land which evolved from a different place!

(I will copy this blog to my Online Archaeology website for Publication)

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