Saturday 25 February 2017


The synergy between PALAEOLITHIC SCOTLAND and GOBEKLI TEPI findings is the fact that they are both of them unexpected finds!

Although Palaeolithic Scotland might be classed being is a tad older than GOBEKLI TEPI there is no doubt over the significance of the Turkish findings!

If Archaeological and Geomphorogical "Hierarchies?" Could possibly find the time to get a collective act together then we might take a small step forward for mankind here on planet earth.

More information is being garnered from the Moss of Cruden findings but  the phenomenal importance of The RHYNIE CHERT, (please ref Palaeolithic SCOTLAND and elsewhere); is the "Jewel in the crown" and indeed a stepping stone in the gap between important Archaeological and  Geomphorogical "State of their Arts"!

Current Archaeological findings on the Moss of  Cruden had their GEOMORPHOLOGY in place a little,but not much later than the RHYNIE CHERT, as far as cosmological time is concerned.

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