Monday 14 December 2020

Moss of Cruden visa vis Boxgrove!

 This evening I have completed a review of our findings from the moss of  Cruden and compared them with those which were excavated at Boxgrove, where I visited and participated in excavation!

Our Palaeolithic findings from the moss of Cruden match chronologically with those which were exposed at Boxgrove!

As I advised a senior archaeologist, as we sat one evening On the heights overlooking the  Boxgrove excavations, "M---, if they were here they were in what is now known as Buchan at the same time.

"M" advised me that I had to get the geology sorted out.

This was done and confirmed by the late Dr. EA.Fitzpatrick (Kubiena Gold Medalist) in Soil Science.

"Here we go"

Saturday 21 November 2020


 Sounds of  silence!

I have not received any contradictory response to my conclusions regarding our findings On the the moss of Cruden.

I must therefore assume that past "Saville" conclusions might be worthy of investigation!

Check them out!

If you can find them!

More to follow!

Tuesday 10 November 2020

"email" to variously respected Archaeologists.

 Dear All,

Please advise "by return",if any government, privately  funded,or other; excavations have been executed on or near the sites identified by Dr. EA Fitzpatrick and subsequently excavated by Dr. Fitzpatrick, Myself and others on the Moss of Cruden!

Reference to Palaeolithic Scotland on line will provide you with a basis for you to establish this.   

The more I research into some past senior professional opinions the more I find them wanting!

However as an amateur, I am but a small voice!

Nonetheless, the carefull arrangement of of all of our findings from Moss of Cruden, Ellon and elsewhere in the NE of Scotland are providing evidence of anomalies in past professional opinions.

If you can, please make me aware of why the, most reverently placed neolithic clusters such as were found in carefully and reverently prepared alcoves on the Den of Bodam please do so; as when I asked Dr. Saville when I met him next, he was non commital!

Has anyone out there bottomed this quandary out?

I think not!

Saturday 7 November 2020

In my sojourns through the, published; findings of some of those professionals who appear to dominate the archaeological and geomphorogical landscapes of what is known as "The Uk"; I can find no irrefutable link between their respective and integrated terms of reference, if they have any!

I have had the privilege to work with an esteemed Soil Scientist in the, exposure, of the evidence of a neglected part of our world heritage.

This neglected part of our world is on the moss of Cruden.

Dr. E A Fitzpatrick

Prior to my meeting at Hatton it is important that those who wish to attend be aware of Dr E A. Fitzpatrick's  contribution to Nature regarding the geomorphology of the  N E   of Scotland!

Friday 6 November 2020

Sandstone implement!

  Bingo! (Perhaps)

More information to follow.

The Sandstone finding is unique to NE Scotland!

This does  not mean that such artefacts  might not  be found elsewhere on or island!

Thursday 29 October 2020


29/10/20 @ 20.10

Just come across published information of Palaeolithic sandstone findings being exposed in Norfolk a number of years ago!

At one time there was a land plane which joined Norfolk to Moss of Cruden.

Please check it out!

As I am led to believe the only Sandstone implements found in the UK are to be found at Norfolk and Moss of Cruden.

New Archaeological Horizons are now perhaps  being unfolded to the public, albeit from an amateur Archaeologist.

Jack Sneddon CEng  MIET.

Wednesday 21 October 2020


 Further information!

It is Important that I emphasise that the enigmatic sandstone implement was carefully removed from gleys which contained clearly identifiable flint tools and other flint detritus!

I have spent a few evenings researching  the  properties of red Sand stone tool cultures and find that The Rock of Gibraltar excavations are the nearest predominance of this technology which I can find.

Most interesting and will be followed up!

Watch This Space!

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Sandstone Toys?

Over the past couple of very late evenings in my study I have been trying to establish a "raison d'etre" for the sculpted  sandstone imitation tool!

There is no doubt, at all, in my mind that it was meant to be an imitation tool for the education of the young!

Of all the important implements to be displayed at my eventual presentation, this will be the most significant!

If there is anyone out there who has retrieved a sandstone facsimile of a Palaeolithic tool from amongst clusters of identifiable Palaeolithic/Mesolithic flint flndings please get in touch!

Watch this space!

Friday 9 October 2020

Sandstone tools?

In organising my flint collection tonight for my Hatton presentation I came across one of my finds which I had put to the side as detritus.

This find is of sandstone.

However, it's dimensions would have been impossible to have been naturally manufactured!

It was withdrawn from amongst clays such also supported important Flint caches!

It was unnaturally formed but had not been designed as a tool!

It is soft to the touch and unique!

Watch this space!

Saturday 26 September 2020

Photographs of moss of Cruden Lithics!

Have compiled a nice and definitive pictorial presentation of our Moss of Cruden findings!

I will try to arrange this as an official presentation on the net but if you log into Palaeolithic Scotland on the net you will get the gist of the presentation which I had hoped to have delivered!

Have spent the past few weeks in my garage arranging the undeniable, Palaeolithic to Neolithic artefacts we recovered from the between the  Moss of Cruden and Ellon.

This is quite exciting and promising!

Watch this space until notification of when my Hatton presentation will take place.

A Hatton Council representative has kindly  agreed to my proposal that my presentation should take place at some time in the future when Covid has been defeated!

Keep Safe until then!

I have  spent many hours late into the night arranging our findings from the Moss of Cruden and 

Thursday 24 September 2020

 Have been advised by a highly respected archaeologist that I should go with the hands on presentation!

So that's how it will go!

Will advise when this will take place.

Watch this space!

Monday 14 September 2020

01/11/20 HATTON Presentation "Palaeolithic Scotland" Cancelation!

 Given the pandemic which is ravaging our planet at the moment it is most important that I postpone my presentation at Hatton till further notice!

I have cancelled the 01/11/20 date with the hall proprietors!

I will try and arrange an On line  presentation of all of our excavated material from Moss of Cruden and Ellon but it w'not be the same as "Touchy Feely" which I had hoped that you would experience with the artefacts at my presentation .

Watch this Space!

Sunday 6 September 2020

COVID! and Palaeolithic Scotland!

 Current Shutdown requirements  cause me to postpone my Hatton presentation as regards social distancing!

I am in complete agreement with these requirements! Watch this space!

Have much more to tell, when shutdown is lifted!

Thursday 3 September 2020


 A point which I will raise at my Hatton presentation will be the obvious dumping of so many mounds of fairly symmetrical pebbles near our area of investigations.

These dumpings  were not humanly contrived, I believe; but are the evidence of a tsunami which overshot or missed our particular areas of investigation.

Lots to tell.

Tuesday 4 August 2020


Palaeolithic Scotland!

Have managed to segregate our Buchan findings into two specific areas of interest!

Perhaps three, if we can unravel the neolithic , carefully arranged tools found in the carefully prepared alcoves on the Den of Bodam by Aberdeen University!

Our  Moss of Cruden findings are without doubt Palaeolithic! Whereas my investigations on the banks of the river Ythan at Ellon are proving Neolithic habitation!

Evidence of Both will be On display at my Hatton presentation!

Hope you can make it !

Tuesday 7 July 2020


Our move to Stirling from Aberdeen has provided me with an area in my garage with a ginormous work  bench on which I can Now segregate Palaeolithic / Mesolithic and Neolithic materials which I retrieved from Buchan.

This display could not have taken place without the guidance of one Dr. E A Fitzpatrick .

Dr. Fitzpatrick opened my eyes to the importance of soil science and it's fundamental place in us trying  find our roots!

I look forward to my Hatton hope you can make it.

Watch this space!

Saturday 4 July 2020

Possible Revelation

Survey of all of my material recovered from Moss of Cruden is showing that some previously, naturally, fractured flint pebbles have been unnaturally modified!

Looks possibly like that when one of our ancestors cut themselves on a sharp stone a light bulb went on for them and that they might be able to use this information to the betterment of their survival!

Otherwise how did we get to the engineering of Skinning?

Will be following this up.prior to my presentation.

Watch this space!

Sunday 24 May 2020


Over the past few years or so since our move from Aberdeen to Stirling I have eventually got around to being able to organise my findings from Moss of Cruden and Mains of Waterton.

They have been so profound and inspiring.

What I am finding are, pre human; material  which was later  modified  to produce cutting tools!

Such pre human materials show much natural damage to themselves as applied by nature.



Tuesday 10 March 2020

New Date for Hatton Presentation

Over the past few weeks I have been organising my excavated material from Moss of Cruden and Mains of Waterton Ellon in lieu of my proposed presentation at Hatton Aberdeenshire in May.

In organising the specimens I find that they are both from different cultures and that one is predominantly Palaeolithic and the other is predominantly Neolithic!

I intended revisiting both sites prior to my proposed presentation date  but as I now live in Stirling it is little more difficult to do so.

However I will be On the river Ythan trying to catch an Atlantic Salmon (to be returned to the river) on 31/10/20 and hope to book Hatton community hall for my presentation on 1/11/20.

I find that 1/11/20 is Sunday and hope that this is suitable for all who wish to attend.

 "It's Getting Better"!

Watch This Space.

Monday 17 February 2020

Arrangement of Moss of Cruden and Mains of Watertown findings for Hatton presentation!

This Evening I have been organising all of our findings from the Moss of Cruden and Mains of Waterton into,  clearly identifiable; differing periods of time, one from the other regarding their date of manufacture!

It will not be possible for me to transport all of our findings from the moss of Cruden and mains of Watertown to Hatton for the presentation, however; there will be sufficient evidence on display that; perhaps, some past academic conclusions as regards to their indication as to where Palaeolithic Scotland should take its place in the annals of global  evolution are not to be found on the precipitous crags of the NE of Scotland but less than a mile inland on the downs of the moss of Cruden!