Saturday 26 September 2020

Photographs of moss of Cruden Lithics!

Have compiled a nice and definitive pictorial presentation of our Moss of Cruden findings!

I will try to arrange this as an official presentation on the net but if you log into Palaeolithic Scotland on the net you will get the gist of the presentation which I had hoped to have delivered!

Have spent the past few weeks in my garage arranging the undeniable, Palaeolithic to Neolithic artefacts we recovered from the between the  Moss of Cruden and Ellon.

This is quite exciting and promising!

Watch this space until notification of when my Hatton presentation will take place.

A Hatton Council representative has kindly  agreed to my proposal that my presentation should take place at some time in the future when Covid has been defeated!

Keep Safe until then!

I have  spent many hours late into the night arranging our findings from the Moss of Cruden and 

Thursday 24 September 2020

 Have been advised by a highly respected archaeologist that I should go with the hands on presentation!

So that's how it will go!

Will advise when this will take place.

Watch this space!

Monday 14 September 2020

01/11/20 HATTON Presentation "Palaeolithic Scotland" Cancelation!

 Given the pandemic which is ravaging our planet at the moment it is most important that I postpone my presentation at Hatton till further notice!

I have cancelled the 01/11/20 date with the hall proprietors!

I will try and arrange an On line  presentation of all of our excavated material from Moss of Cruden and Ellon but it w'not be the same as "Touchy Feely" which I had hoped that you would experience with the artefacts at my presentation .

Watch this Space!

Sunday 6 September 2020

COVID! and Palaeolithic Scotland!

 Current Shutdown requirements  cause me to postpone my Hatton presentation as regards social distancing!

I am in complete agreement with these requirements! Watch this space!

Have much more to tell, when shutdown is lifted!

Thursday 3 September 2020


 A point which I will raise at my Hatton presentation will be the obvious dumping of so many mounds of fairly symmetrical pebbles near our area of investigations.

These dumpings  were not humanly contrived, I believe; but are the evidence of a tsunami which overshot or missed our particular areas of investigation.

Lots to tell.