Sunday 24 February 2013

Soils of England and Wales

Over the past few years, since our findings on the Moss of Cruden; I have been researching for a document relating to "Soils of the British Islands".

There is, to my knowledge; no such detailed document in the public domain.

I have found reputable information in "Soils of Scotland", as recently published and in "Soils of England and Wales" by C.P Burnham c.1980.

Alas there is nothing of any importance to tie both of these papers together as regards the ancient colonisation of our  islands by our human ancestors. I feel that this is quite sad.

There were I feel, in the earliest of days; distinct and fundamental evolutionary processes taking place upon the soils of Scotland and upon the soils of England and Wales before they collided (in a tectonic sense)with one another.

We will not be the nation  we could be, I refer to the nation as that for which I can cast my vote in a general election; unless what we have found on the moss of cruden is shouted out through that nation.

Jack Sneddon

Friday 15 February 2013

Unique Evidence from Amphibian Fossils Excavated Near Elgin

The Two Shores Of An Eden by Jack Sneddon
To the south of the Highland boundary fault there is another fault line called the Southern Upland fault which probably indicates the later collision between what is now known as Scotland and England.

Within the area denoted by the black circle there is contained a
  • Within the Northern sector of the circle lie the sites where the first marine life crawled out of the sea to breath air!
  • In the centre of the circle lies the site of our Early Palaeolithic finds!
  • Within the southern sector of the circle lies "The Rhynie Chert"!
All these facts bring pressure to bear on previously / currently accepted myths suggesting that NE Scotland is barren of any evidence of early Palaeolithic habitation associated with human cultures.

I am not going to waste any more time trying to convince the now apparently entrenched Archaeological press and aficionados.

"It is important that they do either one thing or the other Jack" as a very good American friend of mine advised.


Tuesday 5 February 2013



                                                      THE TWO SHORES OF AN EDEN?

Below I have taken the opportunity to delineate what I have called "The two shores of an Eden" superimposed on the excellent "Soils of Scotland"map as published in (Please note that my delineation marks are only intended to show roughly the body of Scotland which lies between the Great Glen (red line) and Highland boundary (black line) and the soils which they contain.

To the south of the Highland boundary fault there is another fault line called the Southern Upland fault which probably indicates the later collision between what is now known as Scotland and England.

Within the black circle on the Soils Map there is contained an area of varying soil antiquities
- Within the Northern sector of the circle lie the sites where the first marine life crawled out of the sea to breath air! around where Elgin exists today (See Aberdeen Press and Journal article)
- In the centre of the circle lies the site of our Early Palaeolithic finds!
- Within the southern sector of the circle lies "The Rhynie Chert"! 

All these facts bring pressure to bear on previously / currently accepted myths suggesting that NE Scotland is barren of any evidence of early Palaeolithic habitation associated with human cultures.

Indeed it appears to hold irrefutable evidence of it being a birth place of and cradle for evolution from at least 400,000,000 years as it travelled over the surface of our planet to arrive where it is today. 

The land mass to the south of the southern upland fault has its own story to tell regarding its voyage over the planet's surface as it started out from a very different position.