Friday 15 February 2013

Unique Evidence from Amphibian Fossils Excavated Near Elgin

The Two Shores Of An Eden by Jack Sneddon
To the south of the Highland boundary fault there is another fault line called the Southern Upland fault which probably indicates the later collision between what is now known as Scotland and England.

Within the area denoted by the black circle there is contained a
  • Within the Northern sector of the circle lie the sites where the first marine life crawled out of the sea to breath air!
  • In the centre of the circle lies the site of our Early Palaeolithic finds!
  • Within the southern sector of the circle lies "The Rhynie Chert"!
All these facts bring pressure to bear on previously / currently accepted myths suggesting that NE Scotland is barren of any evidence of early Palaeolithic habitation associated with human cultures.

I am not going to waste any more time trying to convince the now apparently entrenched Archaeological press and aficionados.

"It is important that they do either one thing or the other Jack" as a very good American friend of mine advised.


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