Saturday 12 December 2015


I have spent many hours captivated by certain TV series' on how our planet evolved once its constituents coalesced after the "Big Bang".

However!, the presenters/authors on the geological, history; of the evolution  of our planet never seem to bring into focus the importance of the Great Glen and Highland boundary faults!

These twin faults are the most ancient fault lines on our planet and are close to one another!

Between them they hold captive the greatest diversity of evidence of human evolution within their boundaries to be found anywhere else on our planet!,

Watch this space!

Tuesday 27 October 2015


Dear Archaeological Bloggers,

The following is copy of a communication I sent to the undersigned  via my Online Archaeology site

If you wish to know what the contents of the 07/07/11 communication please let me know.

"This is a Good Morning" Call to:-

Nicholas Ashton, Sean Coughlan, Martin Wainwright, David Keys and Richard Alleyne, et all


I am about to publish the contents of the communication which you received by e-mail 07/07/11.

Unfortunately you did not have the courtesy to reply.

Hope you have kept it in your pending file as the worm is turning! if you have not noticed.

If you do not have a copy of said communication please let me know immediately!.

Copy of this communication will be posted on my alternative web outlet for "Palaeolithic Scotland".

Sincerely Yours,

John L Sneddon.

Here We Go!

Friday 28 August 2015


Since and further to my article/blog "Two Shores of Eden" I have been researching relative positions and groupings of Ancient land masses on our planet,

The "Dalradian Super Group" of rocks apparently lies within the boundaries of the "Great Glen" and "Highland Boundary" faults.

The "Dalradian Super Group" contains, as far as I understand; the oldest group of exposed "Geology" on our planet (400,000,000 to 450,000,000 yrs old).

This is seminal to the development of an inhabited Palaeolithic Scotland when taken into context with the following:-
1, Rhynie Chert:- Ancient Swamp/ Marsh Land.!
2. Elgin Area:- First Amphibians coming ashore,!
3. Moss of Cruden:- Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic artefacts recovered!
4. Ellon:- Dr. D W Patey, J.L.Sneddon, etal; Mesolithic, Neolithic and probably,Palaeolithic findings.

There is not such a diversity of human evolution to be found in such close proximity with one another any where on our Planet!

They lie exposed or relatively close to the surface.!

The late Palaeolithic artefacts which turned up south of the Highland boundary fault, are; perhaps from land which evolved from a different place!

(I will copy this blog to my Online Archaeology website for Publication)

Friday 14 August 2015




I have been reviewing all of our excavation findings from Buchan, over the past 20 years or so; to find that I have been being very blinkered! Buchan not only holds evidence of Palaeolithic habitation but also Mesolithic and Neolithic! I have reviewed most of published papers that I can find but all have been done in isolation and missed the very important fact relating to the "Unique" information provided by Buchan regarding the diversity of archaeological and geological information which she is trying to show us. 

I have searched hard but cannot find such a diversity of Geomorphological and linked Archaeological findings anywhere else on our planet!

In Buchan you can:- 
1. Visit sites of 400,000,000 years ago.
2. Stand on the very surface where marine life struggled on to the land to kick the whole human race off.
3.Touch Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic artefacts from various sites within 5 or 6 miles of one another!

Some time ago I visited Aberdeen University and requested to see Rev. Patey's collection of artefacts retrieved from the banks and else where on the River Ythan near Ellon. I was advised that they were no longer with the University?! Recent published information appears to show that they are now back in circulation?!
It is important that I view them as my findings from "The Mains of Waterton" (Ellon) show evidence of both Neolithic and Mesolithic habitation!
I will provide photographs of these findings asap as I need to get a better camera. 

Watch this space.

I will also be publishing this article on my Blogspot site.

Monday 13 July 2015


Please find below a publication which I have recently made on "Online Archaeology" please read it as it is quite important if you are anyway interested in how you landed where you are.

If any of you need clarification, eg "What is the Rhynie Chert"? please get in contact.

Communication via e-mail only please.

Tonight I have discovered "Scotland: The Creation of its Natural Landscape" a BGS publication co-authored by Alan McKirdy and Roger Crofts. It is a seminal piece of work. It has inspired me for two reasons:-
1. I now understand why the Rhynie Chert is only about 3ft under topsoil but is reckoned to be about 400 odd million years old!!! 
2. Its chronological birthday date is at about the same time as "The Assynt event", as I call it; of about 410 Million years ago!

For the record, a number of years ago I was invited by an extremely knowledgeable and respected MD who resided in the village and had heard of our exploits on the Moss of Cruden; to attend one of the very, very occasional exhumations of "The Rhynie Chert" 
Anyone who knows anything at all about the "Chert" will know what an honour this was to me.
However, it was not to be as I was needed elsewhere on the planet to earn my living on that date!
Watch This Space.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

In the beginning!



The above texts are from a very well respected national newspaper with comments from a very well, internationally respected; Archaeologist!

I am in the process of trying to publish this on my "Palaeolithic Scotland" website also.

There should soon be a "Wikipedia" article forthcoming entitled "Palaeolithic Scotland" but as ever I will keep "Blogspot" and "Online Archaeology" updated until that day arrives.

Tuesday 14 April 2015



Please find below copy of a communication to "Online Archaeology" who I have been pleased to be in contact with for some time now.

A number of years ago an eminent Scottish Archaeologist published a paper suggesting that the numerous antlers discovered at the back of caves in Scotland were pushed there by fluvial activity.

I strongly challenge his hypothesis.

Please read my opinion and cast your vote.:-

Copy of publication to "Online Archaeology"

Please forgive me for posting my previous comment as I have just noticed a fundamental error in my grammar!

So! I will clarify the situation regarding "Down Slope Fluvial activity pushing numerous Stag Antlers to the back of a dead ended cave". 

To be specific and addressing all of the laws of fluid dynamics which I and others, somewhat more skilled in the art than myself are concerned; then any down hill flood which pushed numerous Antlers into the back of any cave should have been impossible to happen! Any one who has had the privilege of visiting Mar Lodge, as I have; will have noticed the Antler trophies which adorn the walls of the halls. Alas there is no evidence of fluvial activity having deposited them there! Perhaps we have not changed as a species very much since our ancestors brought their trophies to what was their then Halls!

Will copy this text to my blog out of courtesy.

Wednesday 11 February 2015


Dear All,

Please refer to the "net"regarding "Gillies Hill"

This is an "Emergency"

Allegedly, if quarrying proceeds;an inestimable amount of  important information regarding the evolution of our species might wind up as "Gravel"!

I feel it important that I advise you of this.

Dear ""

  Please respond to my previous e-mail communication to you, by return!


 The significance of the "Defacing" of Gillies hill as regards its place in our "Island's" (UK) heritage and  the probable destruction of priceless Geomorphological information, Flora and Fauna and, not least of all; the Hidden Place of Bruce's  reserves "The Sma' Folk"??? should not be treated lightly.

"The Sma' Folk"?  well they were indeed pledged to a life of piety and endurance but there is no doubt that the pride of English chivalry would have fled from such a "Rag Tag and Bobtail" as has been described, so far.

Oh! there was, perhaps a "force" hidden at Gillies Hill, probably 700 or so, "All on Foot" however, their flag appears to have been the "Beauseant" (Black on White") and not "Rag a Muffin"'

Please contact me for any other information you might need for clarification.

Jack Sneddon.

Sunday 11 January 2015


Dear all "Palaeolithic Scotland" reviewers on Blogspot,

May you have a happy New Year!

Please find below an important message to "Online Archaeology"

Recent analyses which I have conducted on our findings on "The Moss of Cruden" and the synergy which I found with them when I relate to when I excavated at Boxgrove is really quite profound.

I will publish this as soon as I can.

Happy New Year for 2015 to all at Online Archaeology!

Sorry for not getting back sooner but I have been back checking all of my experiences at Boxgrove with our findings from the moss of Cruden. There is an interesting anomaly which exists at both sites! 

As we move, roughly; inland from "Beach" Boxgrove there is a great "dump" of flint material which I never got an explanation for when I was assisting, as an amateur; and asked the questions why? and how?!

Well, as coincidence might have it; the first time I experienced a phenomenon like this was on the "Moss of Cruden" about 4 or 5 years earlier where a great dump of flint nodules, both virgin and worked; protected our site at "Weewindae" as I called it then 
(and still do) which lies in a very special basin in the Buchan countryside. The "Heap" at Boxgrove was insignificant when compared to the "Heap" at "Weewindae". There is a substatiatable conundrum forming in my mind as to the relationship of these two "Dumps" and the Palaeolithic finds which they protected and I believe that two of the most important substances which will lay this conundrum to rest are Chalk and Sand which proliferate the Boxgrove sites yet are absent on "The Moss of Cruden"