Friday 23 December 2016


In the run up to my Hatton presentation I have been revisiting all of my publications regarding Palaeolithic Scotland to find one which for some reason was not posted!

I think that it might have something to do with "Online Archaeology" dropping off the Radar for some reason or another!


"I have recently published an article on my " Online Archaeology" website which should be shared by all.

Reference to my early photographs taken from our first excavation (see "Online Archaeology" article) suggests that the undoubted, PALAEOLITHIC; material had been retrieved from a soil horizon which had been in continuous motion for eons and may yet be proven to have been assisted by the movement of the glaciers which moved over them, yet which scraped the rocks of the Den of Bodam!"

Much to do about something!"

Friday 9 December 2016

Consolidation of PALAEOLITHIC SCOTLAND Publications

Dear Bloggers,

Something quite important has come up on the radar of my PALAEOLITHIC SCOTLAND (Online Archaeology) and my Blog publications!

Looks like there is a great rift between Geomphorogical and Archaeological findings from the "Moss of Cruden"

I will still try to keep you updated via my blog but it will become more difficult for me to advance this in the future as  I am finding it difficult to advance on two fronts.

What we have found on the Moss of Cruden and first identified by Dr. E A. FITZPATRICK is the fact that PALAEOLITHIC tool cultures are currently moving, approximately due South, past the static, and definitely; Neolithic Den of Bodam!

Is there anybody out there?

Thursday 1 December 2016

        This selection of photographs is taken from my www. palaeolithic Scotland material as published
        by Online Archaeology.


                   The bottom horizon, which is of unknown depth; when first exposed to daylight was 
                   of a much more vibrant reddish brown colour. This vibrancy faded the longer the soil
                   was exposed!

Thursday 13 October 2016

Den of Bodam/ Moss of Cruden Enigma

Having visited Neolithic sites exposed by others on the precipitous peninsula of the Den of Bodam and, having excavated,from soils within a couple of miles of this to the West on The moss of Cruden which exposed early PALAEOLITHIC implements provides for me an enigma.

Is there anyone out there who can explain this apparent Geomorphological/ Archaeological phenomenon?

I had the privilege to discuss the apparent discontinuities between findings on both sites with one who had excavated on The den of bodam.

We agreed to respect one another's opinions, but now the worm appears to be turning in favour of Geomorphological evidence as to where our species desired to reside rather than where they aught to have resided anent pure archaeological findings.

Monday 26 September 2016


Tonight I have come across a paper which states that Buchan was overwhelmed by glaciers in the last ice age.

What we discovered on the moss of Cruden most certainly contradicts this!.

Monday 19 September 2016


This evening I have completed a thorough review of my posts, and; theoretical conclusions drawn by others.

Nowhere, in the theoretical conclusions drawn by others;has any explanation or consideration been given to 1963 publication  by BRITISH ASSOCIATION (Aberdeen).ie MORAINLESS BUCHAN.

MORAINLESS BUCHAN is about to  enter "Stage Right ,running"

Watch this space1

Saturday 3 September 2016

The Missing Link!

Tonight I have reviewed all of my previous posts.y et again

I find that there is a schism existing between Geomphorogical Publications and analyses of Archaeological findings regarding how they might complement one another in time!

This, I feel; has become most noticeable with the advent of the study of Soil Science.

Perhaps overdue concern has been given, in the past; to archaeological hypothesese and their conclusions without due consideration being given to the Geomphorogical status of their surroundings and, most important of all; the analysis of the soils from which they were exhumed!

Thursday 25 August 2016

This evening I have reviewed all of my posts regarding PALAEOLITHIC SCOTLAND!!

I have analysed them from Archaeological, Geomphorogical and other points of view!

My analysis shows a great schism existing between past Archaeological and Geomphorogical findings and their specific conclusions.

ie. they do not tie up with one another on time!

Check it out!!

Perhaps the Archaeological fraternities might work closer with Soil Science technologies in the future!

To be continued!

Friday 5 August 2016



This evening I pulled together all of our, professional and amateur; findings from the moss of Cruden.

I also reviewed past opinions on the viability for Scotland not having had an early Palaeolithic habitation and the Geomorphological, evidence suggesting that there is no reason to suggest why she should not have!

My reviews of a number of Publications from the Archaeological and Geomphorogical fraternities of my country suggest that there might be some sort of schism occurring in their, what I had hoped would be a united quest to pull their not insignificant resources together to form a unified approach as to how we,the human race both populated and then colonised our planet!

Alas, this appears not to be the case,at the moment!

How ever , I shall continue to try and fit the pieces of this particular Archaeological / Geomphorogical jigsaw together and perhaps help provide an image of the big picture!

Wednesday 27 July 2016


This Evening I have reviewed all of my Publications on both "Online Archaeology" and "Blogger": PALAEOLITHIC  SCOTLAND".
Please allow me to apologise to my blogspot audience for not emphasising, from the beginning; the importance of the details of our findings on "The Moss of Cruden" as is to be found in "Online Archaeology"

I will integrate my blogspot and online archaeology publications into one cohesive publication. (This is Important)

Until then I would respectfully advise my blogspot colleagues to log into  "PALAEOLITHIC  SCOTLAND" (online archaeology).

I have reviewed some past claims of why the north east of Scotland could not have supported a PALAEOLITHIC habitation and found them wanting!

I will try and link my blogspot and Online Archaeology publications together if this is legally possible. Can anyone advise me on this conundrum?

Tuesday 21 June 2016


Dear Bloggers,

I have been reviewing all of our, published; evidence for very early human  habitation of what is now known as NE Scotland.

This can be found either on "On Line Archaeology" or on the Super Nova known as "Blog Spot" all information is traceable.

Review of many candid conversations and written communications which I have had with, eminent and universally; most respected Archaeologists point to the probability that our findings from the "Moss of Cruden" has called a halt to the credence of past hypotheses which may prove in the future to have been "Fairy Stories" and invoked a major rethink on the, probably; neglected Palaeolithic heritage of Scotland.

As regards the true search for "Palaeolithic Scotland" it, quite honestly; has never been seriously considered worth the while by some past and present, respected; Academics.

Why not? you might ask!

The answer, for me; is quite simple, our findings from the "Moss of Cruden" seems to be upsetting their apple cart  as it is towed into the academic / public market place.

I will be posting this on my Online Archaeology outlet.

Watch this Space!

Sunday 8 May 2016


It has taken a lot of time but I feel that it has been worth it!

Reference to all of my published material which spans from "The Rhynie Chert"to "Olduvai Gorge",and beyond; suggests that perhaps; some misinterpretation by some past and present scholars regarding clear and published evidence of "early palaeolithic" habitation of Scotland has carried the day thus far.

Well "Tomorrow is another day!".

I have the evidence in my attic which, bye the way; I had to request a prominent Scottish Government Official to request its return to me from a respected museum.

At the end of the day, there should be no doubt what so ever that the proof of a Palaeolithic Scotland may have not been available to past doctrines or was ignored!

This is most unfortunate as it was staring them in the face on the moss of Cruden.


Sunday 24 April 2016


Dear Bloggers,

I have just been notified that I am now relying on Windows 10 for proper transmission of my Blogs etc.

So; this communication should get through to you.

I have been reviewing our findings, carried out by Dr,E A.Fitzpatrick, Andy Jamieson and Jack Sneddon; et al regarding the the Moss of Cruden "enigma" as detailed in "Palaeolithic Scotland".

Watch This  Space,

Jack Sneddon .

Saturday 20 February 2016


For this Blog I would like to concentrate for a moment on what appears to have been a cataclysmic and sudden rejection of the use of Bronze in the British Islands, and perhaps elsewhere; prior to their apparent leap into the Iron age.

Published documents reveal a mass rejection of copper/bronze for use as weapons and cooking utensils taking place around the 7bc or 8bc mark.

Hoards of copper/bronze utensils, tools, shields, arms etc from these dates have been found in rivers, buried in fields, in woods and some still remain undiscovered.

Why such a sudden and unambiguous rejection of such a source of livelihood?

Perhaps one solution to this conundrum is that this source of livelihood was intrinsically poisonous to them and they did not know that beforehand!

"It gets curiouser and curiouser"
(Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carroll)

I will copy this to my online archaeology post.