Friday 30 June 2017

The Uniqueness of the Moss of Cruden Palaeolithic Tool Cache!

Things are very much coming together!

Finally, I can relate the Neolithic Den of Bodam findings and the Palaeolithic Moss of Cruden findings with one another in time!

Alas I cannot advise you, via the public domain of this link if I wish to present a paper to NATURE for consideration for possible publication!

However there are other respected journals which I can contact for possible publication of a paper!

Online Archaeology articles will still receive first notification of any new information we retrieve from the moss of Cruden from our site visit in August this year! Which will be simultaneously copied to my Blog!

Sunday 25 June 2017


Dear Bloggers,

I am finding it difficult to keep up my dual Communications with my Online Archaeology articles and my Blog commitment!

Things are moving pretty fast right now regarding questioning of past neglect of specific PALAEOLITHIC findings from the Moss of Cruden!

Thank you for keeping up so far!

I will pop into my Blog  sometimes but only after I have published on my Online Archaeology Articles.

If you are keen to get to grips with what really happened both Geomphorogicaly and  Archaeologicaly in the North East of Scotland and both in the same Geological time frame! (Which is most important) then please follow through on my Online Archaeology Publications.

If you are really interested please forgive me if I ask you to look into my Online Archaeology Archaeology articles for a wee while!

I'll be back!

Sunday 18 June 2017

Proposed Paper to Nature

I may have violated the first law for the publication of a paper by Nature!

One cannot publish data to be contained in ones proposed paper to Nature in the public domain prior to the publication by Nature of such data!

I shall however press on with my Online Archaeology publications and my PALAEOLITHIC SCOTLAND blog!
This in the full knowledge that there is currently a big black hole  in past Archaeological and Geomphorogical opinions as to what was found where and what should have been found where, particularly within the ice free enclave of Buchan!

I will copy this article to Online Archaeology!

Watch this space!

Wednesday 14 June 2017

Preparation of a paper to NATURE!

Given the Communications problems which I appear to be having with my Online Archaeology Publications regarding Palaeolithic Scotland; I have decided to prepare a paper for presentation to Nature for scrutiny and, hopefully; eventual publication!

This will of course take some time as there are very specific steps to be taken and satisfied prior to any publication therein!

However, given the past "perceived" anomalies betwixt Archaeological and Geomphorogical conclusions as to the date of what was found where regarding the date of the creation of the tool uncovered is a question of "Time" which can only be established by the date of the soil which it was excavated in!

I have read the requirements for the presentation of a paper to NATURE and will be in contact with them.

I feel comfortable in doing this!

Watch this space!

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Palaeolithic Scotland Online Archaeology Publications

There are apparently some technical problems relating to my current ability to contact my online Archaeology Publication
regarding Palaeolithic Scotland and combine it with my blog!

This is unfortunate but only temporary I trust!

It would help me if any of my blog recipients could let me know if they can log into PALAEOLITHIC SCOTLAND via online Archaeology!

My email address is

Sunday 4 June 2017

Please​ bear with me whilst I pull together my Blogger and Online Archaeology articles!

The more detailed information is to be found in my Online Archaeology publications!
I am on the case!