Sunday 30 December 2012


A couple of months ago I received notification that a Wind Powered Electrical Generation facility was to be considered for construction on or about our excavations on the Moss of Cruden.

This provided me with the "Quandary of quandaries"

What should come first? :-
1. The identification of the area in question being positively identified as the "Real time" location of "Earliest 
     known human habitation of the British Islands by careful and devoted scientific investigation" which   
     resulted from our findings.                                    
2.    The identification of the area in question being positively identified as the "Real time" location of "Earliest 
     known human habitation of the British Islands without careful and devoted scientific investigation" which   
     resulted from our findings.

A recent visit to the allegedly proposed site  has shown much arboreal disturbance by major uprooting of trees along the road line. A non technically supported proposition would be that this had been caused by wind and lots of it.

As a Chartered Electrical Engineer I support the garnering and storing of electrical energy from all natural and economical sources however, I also support the fact that this cannot be done to the detriment of us possibly "Finding ourselves".

Sunday 23 September 2012


Attached please find copy of which is in the public domain.

ZONE 9 of the above document seems to provide the foundation for presenting a case for the dating of the soils and therefore the artefacts  retrieved  from the hidden soil horizons which were predicted to exist by an eminent soil scientist and exposed by that soil scientist whilst in the company of myself and another colleague.

Reference to Zone 9 will help to confirm for you the antiquity of our sites of investigation and therefore the age of the artefacts retrieved from the hidden soil horizons found therein .

Requests for funding will be instituted on an emergency basis for the re-opening of our original site of excavation and 4 other selected sites in its relatively close proximity.


Friday 21 September 2012

(published 2002)

(attributed to)
(John E. Gordon, R.George Lees, Katherine F. Leys,Colin C.J Macfadyen,
Geeta Puri, Robert Threadgould ,Vanessa Kirkbride.)

Tonight I became acquaint with the above publication.

It appeared to me like a laser beam breaking through a great clutter of past understandings / misunderstandings. 

I believe that it provides the credentials not only for  Dr. E A Fitzpatrick's  work as was published in "Nature"  but for the many years of its neglect!.

I only hope that the Zone 9 North East Coastal Plane evaluation was taken into consideration when the Happisburgh trove was being evaluated.

Watch this space!

Monday 20 August 2012


(This is the copy of a letter which I posted on my "Online Archaeology" Palaeolithic Scotland site last July.)

Some of our most noted and respected Archaeological Press Correspondents received a personal e-mail on the subject with a copy of the "Letter to The Editor.

I have never received replies from any of them. Their silence speaks volumes I feel.

What do you think?


Attached for info is copy of a letter to various "National Press Editors" sent a couple of days ago.

I hope that if they do not recognise the significance of what we have uncovered on the "Moss of Cruden" then they might do me the kindness of requesting clarification.

Jack Sneddon.

It is with pleasure that I write to your respected paper and it is right that I should do so not only for the benefit of every one on the Planet but especially for my fellow countrymen and women here in Scotland.
Scotland has long been denied the honour of having had an early Palaeolithic heritage. This denial has essentially been carried along through the ages on the premise that Scotland would not supply any human
evidence of early Palaeolithic habitation as any evidence which may have been there would have been scoured away by the glaciers?.

Well, this line of thought may or may not be true for some parts of Scotland but it caries no weight in an area which is proven to have never experienced any late primary glaciation. 

That is to say, today what is known as Morraineless Buchan and containing the Moss of Cruden; did not experience any late primary glaciation and could have been ice free for about 1,000,000 years or more. Oh! it would have been cold; indeed it would have been very cold but it would have been then more of a Tundra landscape encircled at one time by gently sloping and icy uplands.

Over the past 15 years or so, I and others have had the honour and privilege to work with Dr. E.A. Fitzpatrick, Kubiena Gold Medallist in Soil Science; in exploring and excavating “Morraineless Buchan”.
Using Dr. Fitzpatrick’s, now axiomatic work; on “Hidden Soil Horizons” allowed us to retrieve material which proves, until any other motion to the contrary is tabled; that Scotland can take its place with dignity among others as having been in the cradle of human evolution and at much senior level than previously anticipated. 

I will welcome all reasonable queries on this communication but there is still much to tell.
e.g. One of our sites was visited by an extremely well known and internationally respected archaeologist whom I had worked with. They advised that we had to get the geology sorted out! 

We have done this via Dr.Fitzpatrick’s work on Hidden Soil Horizons!.

This same archaeologist presented samples of our excavated materials to other respected Archaeologists at a well known English University and asked if they believed that the specimens were naturally fractured. Their
consensus was No However when they asked where the specimens came from and were advised “N.E. Scotland” they all recanted! 

One must, therefore ask ones self if there is some sort of “Taboo” over the finding anything of an Early Palaeolithic Scotland anywhere in Scotland?.

Our findings are significant enough in their own right; but to have excavated them from the bosom of a hidden soil horizon which was probably laid down over 2,000,000 years ago is taking us right back to an era
when some of the horizons found at Olduvai Gorge were being laid down!

In the light of what we have excavated from the Moss of Cruden, it appears that some past opinions regarding N E Scotland being devoid of early Palaeolithic artefacts are in need of a “good deal” of reviewing. 

Some sceptics to our findings are either missing the point or choosing to ignore the fact that when we excavated that day on the Moss of Cruden the selection of the area to be investigated was based on Dr. E A Fitzpatrick’s work on “Hidden Soil Horizons”.I well remember asking Dr. Fitzpatrick where we should set the JCB and him guiding us to a very specific location where he said to me “We’ll go in here Jack!”.

The rest, as some might say; is history. None the less; I am not aware of any other situations, at least within the British Isles; where application of the science relating to hidden soil horizons has been utilised as a tool in the identification of an area worthy of archaeological investigation.

I am convinced that what we uncovered on the Moss of Cruden will allow us to bring Scotland’s heritage out of the neglect it has experienced over the past century or so and have it shown for what it really is i.e. 

" A door to a better understanding of how the Human Race colonised Planet Earth"
Jack Sneddon.

Wednesday 8 August 2012


The Rhynie Chert is a petrified Palaeo-wetland/swamp.
It lies about 25 miles to the SW of our excavations at a
similar depth below the topsoil as our hidden Horizon.
"The Rhynie Chert is c.400,000,000 years old"

Reference to Dr. Fitzpatrick's paper to Nature (previous Blog)
will give the moraine limit of northerly transgression of the  "Riss".
Self explanatory

Self Explanatory

Self Explanatory

Self Explanatory
(Please note the carbonised root casts in this photograph)

Self Explanatory

We are in the process of trying to achieve funding for the dating of the soils which we exposed via the application of Dr. Fitzpatrick's paper to "Nature" and the independent private, amateur;  investigations which I made around Ellon (Buchan) and on the Moss of Cruden (Buchan). However it is not easy as, being an amateur my status apparently precludes me from completing any forms which might provide us with funding.



Saturday 4 August 2012

"The End of the Beginning?"
(acknowledgements to Mr. W.S. Churchill )

On this blog I copy an original paper posted to "Nature" by Dr. E A Fitzpatrick.

It is fundamental to all of my prior internet publications and will be fundamental to those which are to follow.

Dr. Fitzpatrick's paper identifies exactly where the last glaciers to invade Scotland spent themselves. I have been to the sites and seen the evidence.

I note the recent findings at Happisburgh and accept them as but another piece of the Archaeological / Geomorphological jigsaw which needs the "Fitzpatrick" centrepiece for its completion.

The tools retrieved from the moss of cruden appear to pre-date the Happisburgh trove.

Anybody interested?  

Saturday 28 July 2012


Just put together and analysed some important information.

The 6cm-8cm pebbles would certainly appear to have been the results of the Tsunami of 6,100 BC (Wikipedia).

Have developed a cross-sectional profile through a specific East to West orientation which indicates that the hidden soil horizons we exposed; would have been protected from the Tsunami. Indeed the Tsunami would have been spent on or about the Hill of Longhaven.

The hidden soil horizons we discovered appear to have been laid down about 1,500,000yrs prior to the Tsunami.

It's Getting Better!

Sunday 22 July 2012




Whilst puting together the structure for my new blog I came across an, as yet; unpublished photograph of an artefact after it had been carefully removed from the Gleys' stratum of the, just newly exposed; hidden Soil Horizons of  one of our sites on the Moss of Cruden. The artefact has obviously been unnaturally modified and tapers from its base to its point in about 22cm the, back of the artefact is unmodified.

Within the cast were seen the finest of roots of vegetation which had found their way down to the artefact and wrapped themselves around it possibly tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, if not a million or    so years ago. There were no traces of the roots within the three strata above the Gleys which held the artefacts.

The site of excavation lies approximately 120m above current sea level and at the base of a 2deg incline which peaks about 360meters away to the east.

Excavation on the peak by a back acting excavator to a depth of about 1.5 meters revealed a mound, believed to be part of a ridge; of fairly uniform 6cm to 8cm pebbles which may have been dumped by a Tsunami some time in the past.

To be continued:-

Meanwhile ref. "Palaeolithic Scotland"


Friday 11 May 2012

I am, as you know, in the process of transferring my "Online Archaeology" article to my blog.

This has caused me to investigate the juxtaposition of what is now now known as "The moss of Cruden" and what is now known as "Olduvai Gorge"; some 2,000,000 years ago.

The results are quite revealing and will be the subject of my future blog and paper.

I know of no paper or publication in the public domain which associates mammalian or other  species'  colonisation of our planet with tectonic movement or hidden soil horizon evidence.

I hope that my blog will reach those of you who have the custody of our children's education

Monday 7 May 2012

21:19 GMT

Tonight I begin a blog which I believe will, ultimately, be influential in establishing that "The Moss of Cruden", and perhaps other areas of the globe have been overlooked / ignored in regard to the information held within their soil horizons concerning the evolution of what has become known as "The Human Race".

Being a recently retired Principal Electrical / Instrumentation Design Engineer with an Internationally  respected Certification company does not provide me with the necessary academic qualifications to challenge some Archaeological conclusions, which seem to have been drawn over the past few decades; as regards the colonisation of Planet Earth by "Homo Sapiens" via their forefathers/mothers.

However I have been in contact with some of the most respected archaeological minds in our country over the past 18 years or so regarding our findings on "The Moss of Cruden" and am still in dialogue with them.

Recent findings at Happisburgh and Boxgrove enhance the credibility of our findings from the "Moss of Cruden" which supply an alternative proposition to currently held theories.

Any further publications on this blog will entail all of my work as published on the internet under "Palaeolithic Scotland" and "Palaeolithic Scotland Today".

As an IT amateur, it will take me some time to transfer all of  this information on to my blog.

However please "Hang on in there" (if you are really interested) as I believe "The Worm has Turned".

Professional guidance is secured regarding the presentation of an application for funding of the excavation of specific co-ordinates in the NE of Scotland.



Thursday 1 March 2012


Good Morning fellow Bloggers,

 Since 1992 both amateur and professional investigations have been taking place on the Moss of Cruden regarding some unexpected finds which were uncovered there.

These finds eventually led to the exposure of a hidden soil horizon which could have been laid down some 2,000,000 years ago.

The exposure of the Hidden Soil Horizon was significant enough but within the horizon lay numerous pieces of flint some of which appeared to have been unnaturally modified!

There is a lot of information regarding our finds and conclusions which currently resides on an "On-line Archaeology" forum entitled Palaeolithic Scotland and is accessible via Google.

I am in the process of  converting this information into a Blog.

This may take some time as I have to bring everything into perspective for the blog and this I will do.

However you may wish to "Google" Palaeolithic Scotland and also Palaeolithic Scotland Today as they will provide you with the gist of what will be appearing on my Blog.

Queries welcomed.