Monday 23 December 2013


Palaeolithic Scotland

The more I consider currently "published" results of current "Academic"  investigations into the prehistory of my country the more I will call those results into question regarding their apparent neglect of something which "tectonically" speaking might be staring them in their faces.  .

Please look to "Two Shores of Eden" and "Palaeolithic Scotland", consider and let me know how you think that such a small land mass can contain such a big slice of the history of the evolution of our species "let alone our planet" and lie but two spade depths beneath the topsoil!

If there is anyone out there who can identify anywhere else like this on our planet then please get back to me by return.

I will be publishing this post on "Palaeolithic Scotland" out of courtesy.

Saturday 9 November 2013


I have assessed  most of the literature on the net regarding plate tectonics and find them to represent the start of something special in our quest in trying to find out "Why?" and "How?" it all happened,  Perhaps the "How?" should be addressed before we even start ask ourselves "Why?" (interpretations of recent revelations from tests carried out with the Large Hadron Collider will, surely; eventually take us there).

What I have identified, in my amateur Geological and Archaeological investigations; is that the relatively tiny land mass which  currently resides between the Great Glen fault and The Highland boundary fault contains the most diverse of Palaeontological and Archaeological evidences of prehistories as  is to be found anywhere else in the world!

It is indeed between  the "Two shores of an Eden".

I leave this post with a simple question; why has this not been identified before now by people who are paid by the public and from elsewhere to do just that?

I'll be back!

Friday 4 October 2013


This post concerns non confidential subject matter sent to various eminent and Internationally respected  Archaeologists and members of our Archaeology "Press" cadre :-

Dear all,

  It is my understanding that you are aware of all of my publications on the www under the titles of "Palaeolithic Scotland" et al regarding our findings on the moss of cruden.

I have long been wondering about the lack of responses,either supportive or otherwise; regarding our findings.

Tonight I went through all of my past publications and asked myself this question, "Given the current political void that our little island (UK) finds itself in at the moment, what would be the outcome of one providing evidence for a Palaeolithic Scotland?

My conclusion is "It would not be welcomed" overall! 

This conclusion is being strengthened by your lack of response to my prior communications with you.

Our findings on the Moss of Cruden go far beyond anything of a political bias and would I hope that you agree on this point!.

In case you have not read it, my "Two Shores of an Eden" article brings current TV articles on, global; plate tectonics into some sort of perspective.

There is evidence of a concentration of explosive evolution to be found between, to the North; the great glen fault and to the South; the Highland boundary fault.

Not even at Boxgrove nor at Happisburgh does such an agglomeration of evidence for early palaeolithic habitation of our islands exist!

I will be publishing this communication on the www.

Kind Regards,

Jack Sneddon. 

Wednesday 25 September 2013


In my previous posts I have not mentioned the remains of a ploughshare which I retrieved from the relatively modern, c. 4-5 K? ; "Top Soil" of our excavated area. It is iron and now exists as what can only be described as layers of stratified FeO2. It also shows signs of having had fastenings provided via square headed nuts and bolts so it should not be difficult for an expert in such matters to provide a rough date of manufacture.

When I came across the plough blade my heart went out to the "farmer"of some four or five hundred? years ago who tried hard to cultivate his land, and failed; only to leave his last plough at the place where it succumbed to the horrendously aggressive demands of what was then his/her topsoil. 

Please view recently posted photographs and give particular attention to the top two horizons. The ploughshare was retrieved  from their interface!

Wednesday 18 September 2013


att. Bernard Miles "Nathaniel Titlark"


During our survey of the exposed Horizons it was noticed that there was evidence of ,what appeared to be the roots of trees. Some archaeologists who saw the samples taken from the Horizon considered that they were from the "Oak" genre and had experienced fire!. It is interesting to note that there were no such castes found above the "Mother" horizon! Are you coming to the same conclusions as us?
More to follow!

Watch this space.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

In Honour of the Author of "MAN THE TOOL MAKER"

Tonight I have reviewed my past 20 years or so of dialogue with "Establishment" archaeologists and others regarding our findings from the moss of Cruden.

It is evident, to myself and others; that our interpretation of what we have found on the moss of Cruden is "Rocking the Boat" regarding past papers,from others; questioning the authenticity of Scotland having had an early, perhaps one of the earliest; palaeolithic colonies to have been established on our planet.

There is no doubt that our findings on the moss of Cruden are upsetting a whole lot of past theories and I am not sorry about that.

The theme of those past theories have patently ignored the power of Soil Science as a tool in their armoury.

I dedicate this communication in honour of The Author of:- "Man the Tool Maker"

watch this space

Monday 26 August 2013


Sorry that I have been quiet for the past few weeks. I have been trying to equate certain information obtained from the media anent current professed understanding of "Tectonic Mechanics" with the relative situations of:- The Rhynie Chert: The Moss of Cruden findings and; the most ancient of amphibian fossils to be found near Elgin.

The current TV series' I believe are trying to present the Macrocosmic "Big Picture".

Our findings are getting down to the finer details insofar as to how and when and where and why life on our planet gained the ability to exploit control on its surroundings which allowed it to come from "The Rhynie Chert, via the "Elgin amphibians" to "Our Moss of Cruden" findings in such a relatively microcosmic arena.

Watch this space!

Thursday 4 July 2013

"Cainozoic geology and landscape evolution of north-east Scotland" (British Geological Survey)


The moss of Cruden is referred to on many occasions in the above, well presented; BGS  study.

The suggested toings  and froings of the various ice sheets shown in this excellent publication is to be seen to be believed!

For my own amateur  investigations I have attempted to refer the location of our findings to suggested "Ice Free Enclaves" as found in the survey and believe that I have made a match.

To those of you who are interested in this subject the BGS publication is well worthy of a review.

The "ScARF" project carried out by Society of Antiquaries of Scotland offers alternative reading on this fascinating and unique area of what is now known as "The Moss of Cruden".

To be continued.

Friday 28 June 2013




"However recent excavations on the Moss of Cruden (c. 1995 to date), where specific areas of the Moss were targeted for excavation based upon state of the art "Soil Science" investigative processes; have revealed 4 hidden soil horizons of excellent preservation where Artefacts showing evidence of human modification were retrieved. The soil horizons are expected to be dated to c. 2M yrs ago!.
It is noted that the only physical evidence of early palaeolithic "Human" presence found on these islands are a leg bone and a couple of teeth from Boxgrove (visited by Jack Sneddon). Boxgrove and The Moss of Cruden were then basking in the idyllic climate of the great interglacial! To presume that there was a Mediterranean climate at Boxgrove and ice sheets on the Moss of Cruden at the same time is a bit far fetched.

If '''they''' were at Boxgrove then '''they'''were on the moss of Cruden at the same time.

(to be continued). "

Friday 14 June 2013


A concealed Lower Cretaceous outlier at Moss of Cruden, Grampian Region

  1. A. M. Hall1,2 and 
  2. J. Jarvis2
+Author Affiliations
  1. 1Department of Geography, University of Edinburgh, Drummond Street, Edinburgh EH8 9XP
  2. 2Department of Geography and Geology, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews KY16 9ST


    Recent excavations at Moss of Cruden, Grampian Region, show that Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rocks pass beneath the margin of the Tertiary Buchan Ridge Gravels and are intensely weathered. These findings indicate that previous interpretations of these rocks as a glacially-transported erratic mass or masses were incorrect and that they are probably in situ. The rocks include fine-grained, glauconitic quartz-arenites with pollen of Late Hauterivian-early Barremian age. Overlying flint gravels demonstrate the presence of a former Cretaceous chalk cover and helped the preservation of this small outlier.

    Wednesday 12 June 2013

    FIRST LIGHT OF DAY IN 2,000,000 yrs?

    The following sequence of photographs are courtesy of

    4 Distinct hidden soil horizons exposed together possibly for the first time in 2,000,000  years. 
    The bottom horizon is yet of unknown depth and when first exposed was of a more vibrant reddish
    brown colour which visibly faded the longer it was exposed to daylight.



    The cast of the recently removed large axe / pounder is easily identifiably at the interface of the two soils
    Please note the root casts in the bottom horizon. These roots were carbonised ie they had experienced "Fire"
    There was no evidence of any root formations above the bottom horizon. Please draw your own conclusions as we
    have drawn ours. (Plesae note a full cache of our photographs reside on  the Online Archaeology site.

    Thursday 6 June 2013

    "Cainozoic geology and landscape evolution of north-east Scotland"

    Today I received my copy of above document purchased from the British Geological Survey (Natural Environmental Research Council)

    If I, as an amateur; am interpreting their respected professional opinions correctly then during the past major glaciations of what is now known as the UK there was an "Ice Free Enclave" in what is now known as Buchan!.

    I rest our case.

    Watch this space!

    Wednesday 5 June 2013


    Our findings from the moss of cruden when taken into consideration with their close proximity to and between the "Elgin" fossils and the "Rhynie Chert" begs the question.

    "Why have the above associations never ever  been observed and published before now"?

    Well they have been published now!

    Friday 31 May 2013

    CONTACT WITH "THE INDEPENDENT" Newspaper (again)

           The following non confidential e-mail was sent to The Independent " news paper


    Good Evening Mr. Keys,

      If you did not received my previous e-mail communications to you nor visited articles on the net vis Palaeolithic Scotland, Palaeolithic Scotland Today,, two shores of eden, etc please do me the courtesy of letting me know.

    Otherwise please refer to them  and study them closely.

    As a member of The Smithsonian I am now going, Academically; Global.

    I will publish this e-mail on my other www outlets as it is by no means confidential and copy to the other press outlets which I am in contact with.

    Kind Regards,

    Jack Sneddon.

    Wednesday 29 May 2013

                          ANALYSIS OF PUBLISHED FINDINGS 
                   (Moss of Cruden, Happisburgh and Boxgrove) 

    Reference to, easily accessible; public information shows that the above pecking order (Moss of Cruden through to Boxgrove) provides a solid stepping stone system toward the understanding of the information which the uniqueness of the British and Ireland Islands can provide regarding   how we colonised our? planet. 


    A) Moss of Cruden :- C. 2,000,000 yrs (ago) 

    B) HAPPISBURGH:- C. 800.000 yrs (ago) 

    C) BOXGROVE:- C. 500,000 yrs (ago) 

    Reviews of Boxgrove material and Happisburgh information ,when compared to our findings from the Moss of Cruden; seem to pale  into some sort of ancient insignificance.

    Sunday 26 May 2013


    Tonight I searched through all that I could find on the net and elsewhere regarding the distribution of any serious effort over the past 200 years or so regarding the published; investigative evaluation of Scotland's prehistory and its contribution to the advancement of its Archaeological birthright. 

    I fear that certain past conclusions are well in error and, given our findings from the moss of Cruden are in need of "SOME REAPPRAISAL" 

    Our conclusions,based upon our findings from our investigations on the moss of cruden; when now taken in conjunction with important geological /geomorphological papers/documents which have become available within the past 2 or 3 years;are about to be vindicated I feel' 

    I am receiving some very respected opinions. 

    How long that will take, due to the completely unnecessarily imposed inertia of "Past Hypotheses";I know not. 

    Saturday 25 May 2013


    Tonight I searched through all that I could find on the net and elsewhere regarding the distribution of  any serious effort over the past 200 years or so regarding the published; investigative evaluation of Scotland's prehistory and its contribution to the advancement of  its Archaeological birthright.

    I fear that certain past conclusions are well in error and, given our findings from the moss of Cruden are in need of  "SOME REAPPRAISAL"

    Wednesday 22 May 2013


    It seems that as recently as 10 years ago a major re-identification of the "Eras" was called for and has since been  adopted.


    Please ref. below:-
    Merritt, J.W., Auton, C.A., Connell, E.R., Hall, A.M. and Peacock, J.D. 2003. Cainozoic geology and landscape evolution of north-east Scotland. Memoir of the British Geological Survey, Sheets 66E, 67, 76E, 77, 86E, 87W, 87E, 95, 96W, 96E and 97 (Scotland).

    Things are becoming a bit clearer don't you think?

    I will follow up soon with further information.

    Monday 13 May 2013



    The above presentation is a copy from one published in 

    It shows not only the "Two shores of Eden", as prefaced in my previous Blogs; but also The Solway Line (suture of the Lapetus Ocean) . This was the Ocean which was squeezed out of existence with the collision between  what  is now known as Scotland and what is now known as England and is seminal to the proposition that Scotland has a unique, yet neglected; contribution to make as regards the story which she holds. 
    However, as it ever does; the worm is definitely turning!
    Right now I cannot see where past conclusions, made due to findings from, the mud flats of "Swanscome", the beaches of "Boxgrove" and from the sands of "Happisburgh"; properly fit in with the real palaeolithic story of the British Isles!

    Monday 22 April 2013


    Copy of communication to Society of Antiquaries of Scotland

    Please refer 

    This document covers most of the current land south of that as published in 

    Comparison of the two documents with one another suggests to me that the soils described in the former are much more ancient than those described in the latter. 

    Check it out, if you will.

    The more I study and investigate past Published Archaeological conclusions regarding the "Palaeolithic in Britain" the more I see a lack of respect having been given to the advances of soil science information as regards "Palaeolithic Scotland" in particular. 

    This lack of respect  appears to even flow out of our national press under tunnels of silence which they appear to afford.

    Watch this space.

    Thursday 11 April 2013


    All of my current investigations as to how our "Geological Elders" are attempting to interpret the plate tectonics of our planet indicate that they are looking at the "Macro" rather than considering the "micro".

    This is extremely important as they will accomplish nothing if they do not consider the relative movements of the Great Glen, Highland Boundary and Southern Upland faults.

    Palaeolithic findings in Britain articles, which I have read in the past; have never ever brought such major geological, geomorphological  influences even into consideration.

    Why are they keeping it so quiet?

    Monday 8 April 2013


    Due to responses I have received to my internet communications it is becoming obvious that our findings from The Moss of Cruden are bringing into question some past theories and conclusions based on some previously "official" investigations carried out in Buchan and elsewhere on the British mainland .

    Researches are showing that the southern upland fault and "Peebles" findings were perhaps much later than the "Two Shores of Eden" findings.

    To be continued:-

    Tuesday 2 April 2013

    "Two Shores of Eden" and "Two Fault Lines"

    Tonight I have started into an investigation which is going to take a long time.

    It will take me to places where a great ocean was once squeezed out of existence (The great Glen Fault) and to where, to the south of this; the sides of a great Rift valley  once crashed hundreds of feet out of the water to eventually form the precipitous edge of the Highland boundary fault.

    Chronologically speaking there were Aeons upon Aeons available after the above two boundaries were created to allow the process of evolution to quietly take place.

    Findings from Elgin, Moss of Cruden, Rhynie and the recent, and extremely revealing; document concerning the Soils of Scotland (as previously acknowledged),are breaking new ground and knitting together quite well.

    Friday 15 March 2013



    Tonight I have reviewed my archive of findings retrieved, in the North;  from the Moss of Cruden and in the South from Clacton on Sea.

    A particular specimen, which I retrieved from the pebble beaches of Clacton on Sea about 25 years ago ; appears to have the same colour and consistency of the object picked up,out of the sands at Hapisburgh.

    However, the object which I retrieved shows wear which can only have been the result of many years of work by a softer material.

    It does, in essence; resemble an ancient pistol type grip which fits comfortably in ones right hand and shows wear that can only be associated with a right handed human being!.

    The Hapisburgh flint appears to be the finished or  almost finished article and found coming out of the sand!

    Our finds from The Moss of Cruden carry evidence of them being of a much earlier culture than those which  I found at Clacton and which were subsequently stumbled upon out of the sands at Hapisburgh!.

    Watch this Space!

    Monday 11 March 2013


                                        COMMUNICATION TO SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND


    "Good Evening fellow forum members! 

    Please let me bring you up to date with what is happening regarding the professional respectability which "Palaeolithic Scotland" is now receiving and how my subsequent research into a region which I now call "Two Shores of Eden" are bringing into focus the uniqueness of not only Buchan but that whole area of Scotland which lies between the "Great Glen" and the "Highland Boundary" fault lines which are, to me; "Two Shores of an Eden". 

    The jewel in the crown of that region is Buchan as regards the Archaeological/Geological diversity it contains. 

    Unfortunately I cannot, for lack of technical ability or facilities of this site; transfer any pictorial information to this forum from my other information outlets but if you care to visit (which I think you may already have received), and (palaeolithic scotland) at "On line archaeology". You will be able to bring yourself right up to date. 

    Can anyone out there let me know how to introduce images on my posts? 

    If you can please let me know how to achieve this such that I can ensure that "Society of Antiquaries of Scotland" get to know what is happening out here as the story evolves. 

    The sounds of silence from nationally respected professionals and "Press"sources, who have kept up to date with everything we have found, written about and hypothesised upon should now by this time be feeling a bit abashed of themselves, unless of course; they don't want to know. 

    However, I have never met a Journalist who did not want to know! and I have met one or two. 

    I will try to keep you updated pictorially as well as literally on this site but I will need some help to do the pictorial bit, so; "who will help me"? 

    Oh! by the way the information being gathered from between the "Two Shores of Eden" might be quite Earth shattering, if you get my drift! "

    Sunday 3 March 2013

    "Hunt on for Scotland's 'missing' 100,000 years of history"

    A number of years ago an archaeological correspondent of a, then and still; well respected national newspaper wrote concerning the above.

    That correspondent and others I hope by now have read issues raised by this blog and  presented under my name on Online Archaeology.

    Scotland has more than a missing 100,000 years of history!. Its probably missing nearer a 400 to 500 years absence of serious archaeological research!

    I respectfully request that, should the correspondent's editor receive copy of this publication then they might  ask their correspondent to recant.

    Sunday 24 February 2013

    Soils of England and Wales

    Over the past few years, since our findings on the Moss of Cruden; I have been researching for a document relating to "Soils of the British Islands".

    There is, to my knowledge; no such detailed document in the public domain.

    I have found reputable information in "Soils of Scotland", as recently published and in "Soils of England and Wales" by C.P Burnham c.1980.

    Alas there is nothing of any importance to tie both of these papers together as regards the ancient colonisation of our  islands by our human ancestors. I feel that this is quite sad.

    There were I feel, in the earliest of days; distinct and fundamental evolutionary processes taking place upon the soils of Scotland and upon the soils of England and Wales before they collided (in a tectonic sense)with one another.

    We will not be the nation  we could be, I refer to the nation as that for which I can cast my vote in a general election; unless what we have found on the moss of cruden is shouted out through that nation.

    Jack Sneddon

    Friday 15 February 2013

    Unique Evidence from Amphibian Fossils Excavated Near Elgin

    The Two Shores Of An Eden by Jack Sneddon
    To the south of the Highland boundary fault there is another fault line called the Southern Upland fault which probably indicates the later collision between what is now known as Scotland and England.

    Within the area denoted by the black circle there is contained a
    • Within the Northern sector of the circle lie the sites where the first marine life crawled out of the sea to breath air!
    • In the centre of the circle lies the site of our Early Palaeolithic finds!
    • Within the southern sector of the circle lies "The Rhynie Chert"!
    All these facts bring pressure to bear on previously / currently accepted myths suggesting that NE Scotland is barren of any evidence of early Palaeolithic habitation associated with human cultures.

    I am not going to waste any more time trying to convince the now apparently entrenched Archaeological press and aficionados.

    "It is important that they do either one thing or the other Jack" as a very good American friend of mine advised.


    Tuesday 5 February 2013



                                                          THE TWO SHORES OF AN EDEN?

    Below I have taken the opportunity to delineate what I have called "The two shores of an Eden" superimposed on the excellent "Soils of Scotland"map as published in (Please note that my delineation marks are only intended to show roughly the body of Scotland which lies between the Great Glen (red line) and Highland boundary (black line) and the soils which they contain.

    To the south of the Highland boundary fault there is another fault line called the Southern Upland fault which probably indicates the later collision between what is now known as Scotland and England.

    Within the black circle on the Soils Map there is contained an area of varying soil antiquities
    - Within the Northern sector of the circle lie the sites where the first marine life crawled out of the sea to breath air! around where Elgin exists today (See Aberdeen Press and Journal article)
    - In the centre of the circle lies the site of our Early Palaeolithic finds!
    - Within the southern sector of the circle lies "The Rhynie Chert"! 

    All these facts bring pressure to bear on previously / currently accepted myths suggesting that NE Scotland is barren of any evidence of early Palaeolithic habitation associated with human cultures.

    Indeed it appears to hold irrefutable evidence of it being a birth place of and cradle for evolution from at least 400,000,000 years as it travelled over the surface of our planet to arrive where it is today. 

    The land mass to the south of the southern upland fault has its own story to tell regarding its voyage over the planet's surface as it started out from a very different position.

    Monday 28 January 2013

                                                                SHORES OF TWO EDENS                                                            
                                                                    (copyright protected)

    The above http will direct you to a fundamental, geological; representation of , arguably; the two most important fault lines on our planet as regards a stage in the evolution toward you being you!

    vis:- The Great Glen and The Highland Boundary.

    In reconsidering  the evidence from Anna Grayson (ref. press publication "Aberdeen Press and Journal" Aug. 12/8/97) there is,to my mind; no doubt that her findings lay down the first clue to where an important part of our sea to land migration took place. Our findings from the Moss of Cruden bear witness to  a lot of evolutionary processes since that time which were probably contained, for a time; between The Great Glen and Highland boundaries.

    To be continued,

    Tuesday 1 January 2013


    To night I have been reviewing the list of free press contacts to whom I have made aware the importance of our findings on the moss of Cruden, These contacts include Archaeological Correspondents/Editors: at The Sunday Herald,
    Telegraph, Daily Mail, The Herald, The Times, The Sunday Times, The BBC, The Guardian, the Independent the Press an Journal and a number of other major players charged with the bringing together and distribution of extremely important, real time; archaeological discoveries to the notice of their readers.

    All of the informative data regarding our important discoveries on the moss of Cruden, which was communicated to all of above; appears to have fallen on barren editorial ground as regards publication. I find this quite sad.

    I have recently revisited our excavations on the "Moss of Cruden" after receiving information that they may be being considered as sites for wind-powered generators,

    Well, considering the condition which I found the lines of uprooted roadside trees in; I respectfully suggest that this is not a place for a wind farm, required to supply uninterrupted power into the national grid.

    I am unaware if "The Press" are familiar with the recent scientific papers published regarding the geomorphology of Scotland. If they are not then I might be forgiven if believe that their fingers are not on the pulse!